Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb -s] [pers pn] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Feminist psychology is becoming conscious of its theories ' unadventurousness , their distance from other feminist debates , and the way their focus on individual subjects forces them to neglect social relations .
2 The general form of payoff functions allows us to address dynamic models with asymmetric information and to investigate the reputation effects in these models .
3 No I got the cakes Does it look alright Paul ?
4 Rival publishers claim Mr Berlusconi 's 55% share of TV advertising revenues allows him to offer cut-price deals which newspapers can not match .
5 It is keen to exploit the so-called personal communications market — supposedly destined to grow from one million world users in 1994 to 100 million by 2000 — and having a finger in both pies means it wins either way .
6 The existence of successful black sportsmen in Britain is not the recent phenomenon it is often considered to be , though the upsurge in the post-war years makes it appear that way .
7 Nowhere in the previous 300-odd pages has he shown any doubts in his mission to give an account of the war fought by the Allies which balances all those previous versions ‘ sanitized and romanticized almost beyond recognition by the sentimental , the loony patriotic , the ignorant and the bloodthirsty ’ .
8 An examination of the location of particular groups of romanized structures allows us to determine general trends .
9 TrueEffects for Windows allows you to go several steps further in the effort to jazz up your documents .
10 Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows allows you to use eight fonts per worksheet .
11 Computer instructions generally operate on individual scalar variables , although we have seen how the use of index registers allows us to interpret these scalars as elements of vectors or stacks .
12 Buying rooted cuttings allows you to try unusual varieties , then propagate your favourites by taking cuttings from mature plants , without much expense .
13 On the basis of this information , the law of reciprocal proportions tells us to expect that carbon and hydrogen combine in the weight ratio , 12:4 .
14 Wren-Lewis 's ( 1981/1982 ) analysis of television news coverage of these riots enables us to understand this contrast .
15 E-mail offers the chance to reduce the amount of paper moving between staff within RBGE , and the Strategic Plan for Information Services envisages us making increasing use of this facility for internal communication .
16 Such misbehaviour of strata in their most classic sections leads me to have serious doubts ( in fact , positive hatred ) of the concept of the " stratotype " so much favoured by many continental workers .
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