Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb -s] [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The arrangement of the oceans in relation to the continents plays a decisive role in creating and sustaining life on Earth .
2 We are living in a remarkable time , when the conflict of opinions renders a firm foundation of knowledge indispensable …
3 Liberal Democrats believe that expanding and utilising to the full scientific and technological talents offers the only chance of improving our performance and reversing the long tale of our relative economic decline .
4 The operation of news values constitutes the second set of pressures .
5 The remaining yeast in the casks turns the residual sugars into alcohol while the natural gas produced escapes through a soft porous wooden peg knocked into the shive hole on top of the cask .
6 Working in groups offers an enjoyable contrast to individual work and is also an effective form of therapeutic intervention , as well as being a cost-efficient use of time .
7 The second part of your review of previous diet attempts involves a close look at your weight control behaviour .
8 How schools set about developing the statutory orders in the context of whole — curriculum policies represents a significant challenge for leadership and , not the least in primary schools , the strategies adopted by headteachers .
9 In this model , modelling land-use and transportation policies represents the first stage of this air quality simulation system ( Gross , 1982 ) .
10 While the male of one of these species constructs the nest alone ( as in other weavers ) , in others the female also involves herself in this activity and in two cases receives the active assistance of additional apparently adult birds .
11 Dealing between GEMMs plays an important part in the maintenance of an efficient and liquid market .
12 This change in attitudes plays a crucial part in the development of a drawbridge mentality , which is replacing the more collective outlook of previous decades .
13 Written in a terse , academic style that at times obstructs the true horror of her depictions of bloodshed and rebellion , Pearce offers an invaluable source of information , full of clearly laid out sections and chronological charts .
14 Each of these activities offers a newsworthy vehicle for furthering your objectives vis-a-vis your various target audiences .
15 The precise disposition , organisation and arrangement of these two discourses constitutes the basic fabric of Nizan 's fictional technique .
16 The result is certainly a change of meaning : The cat sat on the moss ; but in this case it is impossible to find a different sentence in which the same substitution of forms produces a parallel change of meaning .
17 The formulation and implementation of pilot , demonstration and otherwise innovative projects plays a crucial role in unlocking and mobilising the full potential of Glasgow 's assets .
18 ICARDA 's multidisciplinary staff of over 60 senior scientists and 600 technical and support personnel has an international mandate for barley , faba bean and lentil production improvement and — with other centres — a joint regional mandate for wheat and chickpea production improvement .
19 It is not obvious to the very young child that a set of objects has the same number of units however those units are arranged ( provided , of , that none are removed or added ) .
20 The different purposes of payments to influence the outcome of court decisions in Kandyan and British times illustrates the divergent approaches to these tribunals .
21 This complexity explains why the system of concepts and of values has no direct relationship with the process of production ; the two do n't fit .
22 The employment and income created directly and indirectly by Scotch Whisky companies and their associated supplier chains has a further impact on the UK economy .
23 A card index of chess openings covers an entire wall from floor to ceiling ; there is a computerised data bank of opening variations and middle game types .
24 The approach of classroom testing against the hearing norms has a long tradition among educators and researchers .
25 However , restoration of priceless cultural objects needs the continued input of advanced technology .
26 Prunella Scales has no special voice for children and reads Laura Cecil 's anthology of stories for young children , ‘ Listen To This ’ ( TS404 — one cassette ; 55 minutes ) , with her customary forthrightness and versatility .
27 In the horse , T. axei has a prepatent period of 25 days while in game birds infected with T. tenuis it is only 10 days .
28 ‘ it is difficult to see how these ( organisation ) problems can be solved efficiently without restoring responsible autonomy to primary groups throughout the system and ensuring that each of these groups has a satisfying sub-whole as its work task , and some scope for flexibility in work-pace .
29 I do think the artificial division of people into age groups has a damaging effect on society .
30 Exposure both in working life and everyday living to different sets of values , assumptions , expectations , and behaviour patterns places a severe strain on the individual .
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