Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb -s] [prep] [art] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The approach to these projects differs from the earlier generation of higher cost ventures .
2 The term natural justice is used for that part of the spectrum which requires a relatively wide range of procedural checks , while fairness is used in those areas either where the nature of the decision-maker renders the term natural justice inappropriate or the set of safeguards tends towards the lower end of the spectrum .
3 For most motors the static torque/rotor position characteristic exhibits a rapidly diminishing return in terms of torque produced as the phase current approaches its rated value [ see Fig. 3.1(a) ] , indicating that magnetic saturation or the stator and rotor teeth occurs at the higher currents .
4 The recognition that a text may set up its own secondary norms leads to a further conclusion , that features of language within that text may depart from the norms of the text itself : that is , they may " stand out " against the background of what the text has led us to expect .
5 We believe that this aspect of general SVQs makes for a better programme , because it emphasises the vocational relevance of skills like numeracy and information technology .
6 The justification can imply an awareness of how the meaning of attitudinal positions depends upon the wider context of controversy , and can not just be understood in terms of the individual 's uttered attitudinal statements .
7 A comparison of the proportionality of first preference votes and seats in the Convention election is of interest because investigation of the differences leads to a better understanding of the working of the system .
8 Increased pressure on social services departments arises from a greater number of child abuse referrals , higher levels of unemployment since 1979 , higher levels of crime , policies of de-institutionalisation and demographic factors .
9 The non-linear relationship has two asymptotes : ( a ) as the unemployment rate falls towards 0.8% , the rate of change of money wages tends to infinity ; ( b ) as the unemployment rate rises towards 100% , the rate of change of money wages tends to a lower bound of — 1.0% .
10 " Basically I use a lot of different hostas and the alchemillas because the lovely bold shape of the hosta leaves goes with the finer stems of alchemilla .
11 Attempts are made to route them into low-level manual work regardless of ability or level of motivation for further education , and discrimination in entry to training schemes acts as a further block to employment and careers ( Wrench , 1987 , 1990 ) .
12 The 94,000 houses identified as failing to meet the nine-point BTS criteria compares with a higher estimate from the National Audit Office and an estimate of 101,557 by the Scottish Office .
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