Example sentences of "[noun pl] [was/were] so [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The words were so softly spoken that she wondered at first if she 'd heard correctly .
2 He told me that , at that time , his anxieties were so deeply felt that he sought the advice of his doctor .
3 About 50 per cent of the animals were so sev-erely maimed that they had to be put down .
4 The two cardinals were so loudly applauded that it was clear they represented the wishes of the majority .
5 The battle took place on a Saturday , 14 October : because the armies were so evenly matched and the ground so difficult it lasted eight hours , a great time in a world where a decision was usually reached in just over two hours .
6 Poets were so highly esteemed that it was said that a Delhi-wallah visiting a friend in another part of India would always take with him as a present not jewels or hookahs or fine weapons but a few of Mir Taqi Mir 's new verses copied on to a single sheet of paper .
7 However Sharda had a close friend who was West Indian and she had discussed with her the reasons why Asian girls were so frequently attacked and bullied :
8 Scottish villages were so frequently attacked and burned , and were so lacking in adequate fortified protection , that farmers and small gentry could survive only by building stone tower houses with barmkins , or walled enclosures .
9 The high frequency vibrations were so highly favoured that an infinite amount of energy would be present in them .
10 Russia 's envy is understandable when , under communist government , the state 's doctors were so slightly rewarded as to make illegal private practice inevitable .
11 I then slightly rocked the chair and my fingers were so badly crushed that , a few weeks later , my blackened finger nails fell out .
12 Hedgerows existed in Saxon times and by the time Domesday was commissioned in 1086 the boundaries of parishes were so firmly fixed that William 's Norman officials were able to calculate within close limits , the exact area of thousands of settlements and their capacity to contribute to the royal exchequer !
13 You would have to be a professional cobbler-up of sit-coms to give much credence to the available scenarios , but just in case , I suppose they are that : a ) the tests were so incompetently performed that even a baboon 's sample would have produced the same reading as was clocked by the three athletes identically ; b ) the three runners were having a joke at the testers ' expense ; c ) the German trio was deliberately testing the vigilance of the drug monitors at a relatively out-of-the-way venue , for reasons of their own ; d ) that the samples were not urine at all but a draught of refreshing Lucozade , tested in error .
14 What made matters worse was that the police were so badly paid that they could be recruited only from poor , country districts and lacked the sophistication , education and even , Mahmoud suspected at times , mother-wit of city people .
15 The Prussian government passed legislation designed to Germanise landholdings in the border districts , but these laws were so badly framed and so crudely implemented that they had exactly the reverse effect from that intended .
16 And others were so deeply affected that they withdrew from the community , shutting themselves away in their homes .
17 Not all coffins were so beautifully made as Mrs Bell 's .
18 Widely commended for its environmental stance in Europe , the same standards have not been applied in the company 's operations in Ecuador , where roads were driven into virgin forests , rivers were so badly polluted that they caught fire , fish were dynamited and local people forced off their lands .
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