Example sentences of "[noun pl] [was/were] [vb pp] from time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Prisoners-of-war , wandering free men , peasants and natives were mobilized from time to time into detachments of foreign servicemen ( Litva ) or cossacks , and there were service gentry from European Russia stationed in the region for periods of several years .
2 The voices of churchmen were heard from time to time , perhaps frequently , complaining of the enslavement of Christians , or of the treatment of slaves ; but there was no radical attack on the institution as such .
3 A number of reconstructions were made from time to time , especially under Julius Caesar and Augustus .
4 Plagues were experienced from time to time , particularly where people were crowded together in places like London , which suffered the Great Plague in 1665 , followed by the Great Fire in 1666 , which the Roman Catholics on the Continent declared was a punishment for the beheading of King Charles I. In the event , the Great Fire enabled King Charles II , who took control in September 1666 , to arrange the clearance of the fire devastated area and to rebuild the City of London with Christopher Wren in charge of the plan , so that the mass of narrow streets were replaced , to a great extent , by wider , straighter roads , with some magnificent building , including St. Paul 's Cathedral .
5 ‘ All normal programmes were cancelled and brief announcements were made from time to time , interspersed with solemn music , ’ recalls Jean Williams , of Noel 's Court , Catterick Village .
6 The princes were seen from time to time when , with a strong guard , they rode through the streets of the City .
7 Heavy reclamation walls were built from time to time as the docks were extended seawards and today , the dock estate lies entirely on land reclaimed from the foreshore .
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