Example sentences of "[noun pl] [was/were] [pron] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 One problem for any coup plotters was what to do with the Shah if Mossadeq were removed .
2 The miners and their families were themselves implicated in the creation of their coalfield culture , through the operation of hegemonic processes by which relations of domination and subdomination came to imbue the entire lived experience — the social practices , relationships , expectations , and dominant values .
3 The guilty cats were themselves living in the wild .
4 Mind you , mastering the stilts was nothing compared to the challenge of remaining astride a unicycle :
5 This theme of giving back control over civic affairs to local people and moving away from the grip of town halls and utility or service administrations was one investigated in the community development projects of the 1970s .
6 It was not only that animals were suffering to their detriment , but their abusers were themselves brutalised in the process .
7 While it was widely acclaimed by public sector authorities , voluntary organizations and professionals — though inevitably with some interagency squabbling and professional quibbling-its proposed ‘ agenda for action ’ was perceived as even more far-reaching and revolutionary than the Audit Commission report , although in fact many of Griffiths ' recommendations were themselves derived from the Audit Commission 's findings , translated into practical proposals .
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