Example sentences of "[noun pl] [v-ing] at the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Among those noting Xu 's habit of using just one board ( ingredients are so fresh and so quickly prepared that food poisoning is not considered a threat ) is Keith Mitchell , team captain of the British chefs competing at the culinary Olympics in Frankfurt next year , and head chef at the Grand Hotel , Eastbourne , East Sussex .
2 The different frequencies of light are what the human eye sees as different colors , with the lowest frequencies appearing at the red end of the spectrum and the highest frequencies at the blue end .
3 The flames did help to disperse the fog and also to make the runway more visible , but of course one air field could n't hope to cope with all the 8 Group heavies returning at the same time , and things were pretty chaotic for a few hours .
4 Robyn pursed her lips and tilted her chin , eyes flashing at the scathing tone of his voice .
5 He fingered his jaw thoughtfully , eyes glittering at the scarlet patches in her cheeks .
6 Bending , he feathered a kiss along her cheek , his cool lips pausing at the delicate curve of her ear .
7 Luther Reynolds clenched the sides of the chair , his large fists curling and uncurling , and his fiery dark eyes glaring at the determined face of David Miller , the stepson he had come to resent with such bitterness that he could taste it .
8 Flinging it wide , she made to thrust the other woman from the house , only to be brought up short by the sight of two gentlemen standing at the other end of the long covered porch .
9 At the same time , there are other groups operating at the second level of influence on norms .
10 But if it 's a world problem , if there are international dimensions to our problems in Britain , or to Kenya 's problems in Kenya , or to Mexico 's Mexican problems in Mexico , then somehow we 've got to have international groups looking at the international aspects of those problems .
11 This is the fourth in a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
12 This is one of a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
13 This is one of a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
14 This is one of a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
15 This is one of a series of articles looking at the forthcoming changes to community care
16 He , the laibon , had heard Fahfakhs shouting at the accused man in the cells at Ewaso Narok police post before he was taken to the coast .
17 Of the joint registrations made in 1989 , 72% were made by parents living at the same address , which suggests that some 50% of children born outside marriage were born to a cohabiting couple .
18 A couple of minutes later , she heard footsteps approaching at the other end of the line .
19 She snatched at the strings of her apron , fingers fretting at the lumpy knot in the small of her back .
20 At the corner of Bowyers Row they stood aside as a huge , wooden wagon rolled by , pulled by four horses , their manes hogged , eyes blinkered and nostrils flaring at the corrupting smell of death .
21 The SAM molecules bind to the faces of the repressors , remote from the DNA , with their positively charged sulphur atoms lying at the carboxy termini of the B helices , as in the holorepressor structure .
22 Symptoms were regarded as mere signposts pointing at the real target .
23 They claimed to be grass cutters working at the nearby golf course .
24 Contrary to reports in Paris last week , government investigators working at the central police laboratory here have ruled out the presence of the Czechoslovak-made explosive Semtex , which caused the Lockerbie disaster .
25 Clearly there is so much ground to be covered , particularly on the engineering and operational sides , when a large transport aircraft is involved that you will need several investigators working at the same time .
26 Alyssia ignored his remark and concentrated on trying to cut her steak without sending all the vegetables flying at the same time .
27 He saw two German troopers spurring at the second Frenchman .
28 Every year the New York New Music Seminar seems to throw up one track which first flattens the delegates revelling at the local hot-spots , then sends the record companies into chequebook-brandishing overdrive .
29 Classes help the actor to gain confidence in dealing with many things happening at the same time , and this is an important part of student work .
30 Yeah well this is , th this is it I mean th th there are often a lot of things happening at the same time er er some of which as you just sort of hinted at are sort of er erm of a psychological er er have a psychological factor in them which all add to it do n't they ?
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