Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] from [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ralemberg and his wife sprawled there , their throats gashed from ear to ear .
2 These patterns varied from language to language , but only a limited number of such patterns seemed to occur , so that the same pattern of kinship terminology was found among totally unrelated peoples speaking totally unrelated languages .
3 Patterns varied from area to area , differed between industrial and rural areas , and between city and city , and a host of social factors have to be taken into account .
4 If I can put it in , not , I hope , in a boastful way , but to illustrate how important this is to us , about forty per cent , getting on for half of the income of the Education Area last year , was made up not of normal University funds , but of funds attracted from outside to support research from private foundations and from government departments like the Department of Education and Science .
5 The designs differed from country to country , but the general trend was from geometrical shapes — circles , triangles , quatrefoils — in the earlier period , to curved flamboyant forms in the later years .
6 His eyes swept from side to side , probing the edges of the darkness .
7 The tall woman 's eyes swept from screen to screen .
8 The plasma gastrin concentrations increased from group to group as expected from the dose given .
9 His eyes wandered from object to object ; the facades of the buildings with their dark , secretive entrances , the boats again , the glitter of the restless water , the fishermen 's lights out in the middle of the stream , the faces of the other people taking their evening stroll .
10 She stole into the kitchen to find Sabina and beg some hot water in secret , before the others found her out ; Sabina giggled and her eyes flicked from side to side as Rosa described how she must have sleep-walked , how dangerous it was , how someone could have accidentally woken her and she might have fallen down , without being able to put out a hand to stop her fall , and died .
11 Is a short-term objective anything more than the tactics required from moment to moment in order to implement the over-all strategy that is going to lead to the long-term objective ?
12 The Abbot and over half the monks of Battle perished , eight of the thirteen canons of Mitchelham , most of the heads of religious houses , and up to half of the rest of the county 's population died within a few months , although the effects varied from community to community .
13 And where they were employed , their duties varied from place to place — some fulfilled judicial as well as financial functions , others might even have a military role .
14 The parents separated from time to time and the father also served a prison sentence .
15 A friend of mine who took part in such a march in Greenwich , Connecticut , headquarters of the Pittston Group , said that first came the airline pilots in their dark blue uniforms and gold braided hats ; then the telephone workers all dressed in red shirts ; and then the miners covered from head to toe in camouflage .
16 In this room , the tree has pride of place , decorated with purple , red and gold baubles with strings of pearl beads and silver cord garlands draped from branch to branch for a touch of elegance .
17 The arguments rehearsed by Sextus Empiricus purported to show that , because perception of secondary qualities such as tastes and colours varied from person to person , we can not know how things really are in respect of these .
18 The number of participants varied from evening to evening : attendance was higher at the beginning of the week than at the end .
19 This opposition was initiated and had its structural base in the industrial sphere , more specifically , in the gas industry where a growing number of semiskilled workers suffered from intensification of work during the 1880s .
20 ‘ If it was dogs driven from pillar to post there 'd be an uproar . ’
21 For example , territorially based regional parties may adopt secessionist strategies or ‘ micro-nationalism ’ , whilst parties organizing ethnic groups or social classes excluded from representation in government may adopt ‘ ghetto politics ’ and refuse to participate in the political system .
22 Target funding is the estimated budget increase needed to cope with rising demands ( on average 2 per cent in real terms each year ) against which the actual budget can be compared , with shortfalls accumulated from year to year .
23 It may be that the policy of differing rates of support for different categories of residential and nursing homes clients encourages some specialisation. b Literature A survey of registered nursing homes in Edinburgh showed that about 70% of residents suffered mild , moderate or severe dementia , but figures varied from home to home , indicating differing practices , not necessarily related to the declared policy of the homes ( Primrose and Capewell , 1987 ) .
24 Whilst this may have been commonplace in the old days as vendors moved from technology to technology there is little need for it now , as Monotype are adequately demonstrating .
25 To a young doctor like myself , these were my ‘ valuables ’ — the Zeiss Ikon microscope in the scuffed leather case , its precious lenses protected from dust by silk covers ; the glass-lidded box of stainless-steel instruments — retractors , forceps , hooks , scissors and needles ; my much-thumbed copy of that heavy-going but essential tome , Gray 's Anatomy ; manuals of pharmacology and pharmacy ; Belding 's Textbook of Clinical Parasitology and Strong 's Prevention and Treatment of Tropical Diseases , both of which I 'd bought at the last minute in the hope that the young man in John Bell & Croyden in Wigmore Street was right when he assured me that they provided ‘ the answers to all tropical problems ’ ; and some bound volumes of the British Medical Journal which I had picked up cheap in Charing Cross Road .
26 Let's think about the unsuccessful hospitals and , possibly more to the point , the unsuccessful ventures undertaken from time to time by otherwise efficient units .
27 The German 's rates differed from girl to girl , and with some he had an arrangement that he received a commission rather than a rent per room ; the advantage here for the girls was that they could pay him at the end of the night , rather than each time they used the room And to ensure they did n't even think about cheating , he employed a " caretaker " whose job was to keep a tally of the girls and their customers .
28 Patients suffered from frost-bite in bed .
29 This picture also highlights that the mutations that directly affect CytR binding to deoP2 are positioned adjacent to and partially overlapping the regions protected from attack by hydroxyl radicals by CytR .
30 In the Act of Indemnity passed in August 1660 after the Restoration , the name of Francis Allen appears with those of other deceased regicides exempted from indemnity in respect of ‘ all rights and properties ’ .
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