Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] and [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Construction showed a massive increase , with 121 key projects completed and commissioned including 8 new coal pits and the Gezhouba dam project in Hubei .
2 How many died , how many wretches suffered and starved in that particular disgraceful military episode , so that the workers should be duped yet again in the name of the Empire ?
3 Opportunity to view attractive and unusual animals preserved and bred in pleasant park and lakeland setting .
4 And as one of Althusser 's commentators reminds us , ‘ Not only is there no special reason to believe that the subjects constituted and distributed by these mechanisms should be constituted so as to ‘ understand ’ the mechanisms by which they are constituted but , on the contrary , it is a condition of operation of many of the mechanisms that they are not understood by the subjects they ‘ constitute ’ . ’
5 Other satellite remotely-sensed data , such as the NOAA images already mentioned and the images from the French SPOT and the Japanese MOS satellites , can be processed by the methods described and illustrated in this chapter .
6 The KPP , clearly influenced by Rosa Luxemburg , believed that national self-determination was impossible under capitalism , since the logic of capitalism led to bigger combinations , bigger markets and bigger conflicts fed and fuelled by ever-increasing military and industrial complexes .
7 Fresh peaches sliced and served with fresh raspberries .
8 Where differences arose , the two judges discussed and settled on one or other of the differing categories .
9 In nearly every government building coats and briefcases are thoroughly searched ( as never before ) , credentials checked and rechecked by nervous guards .
10 This is concerned with the manufacture of records , music cassettes and compact discs ( generally known as ‘ product ’ ) in factories owned and operated by individual record companies .
11 Her narrow waist swayed and her hips lifted and dropped with each step .
12 The 200 companies and 369 local authority undertakings , together with the Central Electricity Board and the nearly 300 power stations owned and operated by these organisations , were to be transferred to a new public body , the British Electricity Authority .
13 Wildly , I think of us growing here in this hothouse forever , like two plants curled and twined into one another , stems interlocked , leaves brushing …
14 writes : ONE summer evening as darkness fell thousands of sparrows arrived and settled on two houses next to me .
15 Now let us assume that standard credit terms for goods received and despatched in this particular industry involve payment after 30 days with neither discounts for early payment nor penalties for late payment .
16 There are also two stuberls decorated and furnished in traditional ‘ farmers style ’ , where locals meet to drink , play cards and enjoy good food .
17 Most of the metals bought and sold in this manner never find their way to their purchasers .
18 Free delivery in our own vehicles to most parts of the U.K. Goods packed and shipped to any part of the world .
19 Simple form , lean staff : effective and successful organisations have simple management structures , i.e. autonomous teams focused and co-ordinated by central management which is not disproportionately top-heavy .
20 Each match could be reported , headlines written for newspaper sports pages , records kept of results and goal scores , league tables compiled and updated after each set of matches .
21 Clashes between Moslems and Hindus ensued and spread to several other towns , resulting in 60 deaths and extensive damage to property .
22 Campaign badges and honour markings , yes , those of course , on the greaves protecting their right shanks — in many cases quartered and augmented with extra honours .
23 Dalziel watched with awful lust as the girls twisted and jerked in total self-absorption .
24 Some natural sediments such as pyroclastic debris , glacial tills and weathered crystalline rock products exhibit linear plots on Rosin paper , suggesting that they behave very much as crushed products , but the similarity vanishes swiftly with transport after which they rapidly come to resemble more commonly encountered materials transported and deposited from natural fluids .
25 How and where were the raw materials obtained and transformed into useful items for hunting , food production , woodland clearance and so on during the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age ( roughly 4000–1500 BC ) ?
26 With his works exhibited at Gmurzynska , Rozhdestwjenski joins an illustrious group of other East European artists promoted and placed in Western museums by Krystyna and her mother Antonia Gmurzynska ( who died in 1986 ) since the opening of the gallery in 1965 .
27 Finally , a summary of policy issues raised and discussed during one academic year ( 1987–88 ) is used to demonstrate the pattern of contending interests and the extent to which they can or can not be accommodated .
28 However , no money was to be spent on florists ' bouquets or wreaths , and in any case we 'd both always hated to see flowers wired and thrust into stiff , unnatural arrangements .
29 The hills rolled and folded into each other , hiding little patches of dead ground .
30 The approach taken here exemplifies what emerged in our discussions during the conference as a major theoretical orientation : a view of human action — peacefulness or violence — as the outcome of choices made by people actively in pursuit of particular purposes and goals , choices made and enacted within particular psychologically and culturally constituted realities which they themselves are actively constructing ( see Buckley , Howell , O'Nell , Overing , Gibson , Howe , Campbell , this volume ) .
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