Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Identical flasks containing cell suspension , 5 mM glucose , and 0.1 mM 5-ASA were therefore prepared and the reactions stopped by centrifugation at time intervals ranging from 0 to 120 minutes .
2 The parents separated from time to time and the father also served a prison sentence .
3 Timetables are difficult for many pupils because the arrangement of the information has to be understood and the relevant figures extracted before calculations on time intervals , etc. can be made .
4 On the developmental road towards kingdom-states , alliance networks changed with events over time ; the role of exchange in the making and breaking of such alliances can not be ignored and we should be wary of hastening true commercialisation into Anglo-Saxon England too early , even though that was the inevitable result of this society 's structure .
5 Let's think about the unsuccessful hospitals and , possibly more to the point , the unsuccessful ventures undertaken from time to time by otherwise efficient units .
6 " In the majority of cases the metal concerned had sufficient strength to resist the considerable forces deployed from time to time . "
7 There are , of course , many more rasboras seen from time to time , and this article has concentrated on the more popular species commonly available .
8 The excise laws were widely regarded by the Irish as unnecessarily strict , and they certainly resulted in harsh repressive measures being taken by excise officers , often in conjunction with military forces , although there is ample evidence that both sides resorted to violence at times .
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