Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] [prep] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ( b ) ‘ authorised insurers ’ , ‘ the Council ’ , ‘ practising certificate ’ , ‘ the roll ’ and ‘ the Society ’ shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Solicitors Act 1974 ;
2 ‘ practising certificate ’ and ‘ the roll ’ have the meanings assigned to them in the Solicitors Act 1974 ;
3 ‘ practising certificate ’ and ‘ the roll ’ have the meanings assigned to them in the Solicitors Act 1974 ;
4 The hope seems to be that nurses will be better prepared and better enthused to address the nursing needs of society without the shackles placed on them by an outmoded system of training .
5 Japanese company Dit Co Ltd was showing some preliminary versions of two products developed by itself in the network field — software yet unnamed that enables a Unix machine to be used as a Macintosh back-up device over a TCP-IP network , and an FTP protocol engine which is ready for use in Macintosh applications .
6 Again , paradoxically , objects are seen as increasingly exchangeable with one another , but also increasingly specific in terms of the particular values assigned to them in the form of prices .
7 DHSS requires firms to notify any adverse reactions reported to them within a month of receipt .
8 However , the scattered radiation does carry to Earth signatures impressed on it by the atmosphere above the clouds , and by the 1960s it had been established that this part of the atmosphere alone contained about 1000 times as much CO 2 as the whole atmosphere of the Earth .
9 The result is that instead of trying to recover the often indeterminable illocutionary force intended by the author for this or that character , the actor finds himself inventing someone who might have wished to express this or that speech act by means of the speeches assigned to him in the text .
10 It is hard to divide up the Basque hinterland in any manageable way in order to describe it ; here , I shall stick to the three provinces recognized in it by the Basques themselves , of Labourd , Basse-Navarre and the Soule .
11 The fact that subjects used a range of numbers may of course only reflect the demands placed on them by the experiment .
12 As a result , by 1956/7 , although there remained a cumulative backlog of nearly 1800MW of uncompleted power station capacity , the system was capable of meeting the demands placed on it in a mild winter , and power cuts had by then become a rare occurrence .
13 Both managers said they would assess managerial competence by a person 's ability to achieve the goals expected of them by the organisation .
14 As a public-trust authority with central government funds committed to it through the Harbour Act , it needed a private bill to get its constitution altered .
15 With its incredible wealth — about £6 million estimated annual income has been suggested — and ownership of about nine thousand manors came inevitable corruption as the Templars took advantage of the privileges granted to them by the Pope .
16 The best trainees and established dealers had little beyond brief academic demands made on them in the early days .
17 But already by the time of Pope Gregory I ( d. 604 ) the monastic movement , widely diversified as it was , was being integrated into the life of the church at large and open to the demands made on it by the church 's interests and needs .
18 Could a Council be established which could cope with the demands made upon it by a multitude of members ?
19 Central administration has been continually adapting itself to the new demands made upon it by the creation of services .
20 First , instead of the size of the pool being determined solely by the demands made upon it by the local authorities , the global sum to be spent on advanced further education would be determined by the AFEC in consultation with the DES after it received estimates of expenditure from the local authorities in respect of the provision of higher education within their boundaries , on the grounds that the local authority would behave more responsibly if it paid a proportion of the cost rather than reclaiming all of it from the pool .
21 Should we look to it for a pool of inventive talent that actively embodied novelty in its products , and thereby provided pressure for technical change among its customers ; or rather , for provision of engineering skills that responded passively to the demands made upon it by the inventiveness of its clients consumer industries and civil engineers ?
22 The tactics adopted by me against the large boy was to be used in all future fights with taller opponents , with the same success .
23 In the event of a cancellation either for one or all persons named on the booking form , we will levy our scale of cancellation charges , which is based on the estimated expenses and losses suffered by us as a result of cancellations .
24 For some teachers not only was this difficult to plan and implement as an organizational strategy per se , but the increased demands imposed on them by the strategy meant that their opportunities for systematic and sustained monitoring of children 's progress were further reduced , while at the same time the increased levels of movement and disturbance in the classroom might adversely affect children 's concentration and time on task .
25 Rachel 's eyes shot to his in a moment of intensity that made her skin burn with heat .
26 Reporters and photographers recorded the images presented to them of a couple who smiled and carried out their duties professionally , but barely exchanged a word , a touch or a glance .
27 Now for a motor car I think you can say that the practical desirabilities of a car , and the acceleration and performance and looks are very important , one could also say that the fact that many people have their cars bought for me by the firm they work for means that they will therefore buy a larger car than they would if it was their own money that they were spending , so the market for cars is perhaps not one which is determined by energy efficiency or even optimum efficiency in terms of people 's and prestige is coming into it as much as these other factors and it is determined by who pays the money .
28 Last time I met him , he said that words attributed to him in the House had not been words that he had uttered .
29 The third servant simply buried the funds entrusted to him in a hole in the ground for safekeeping and was condemned for his worthlessness because he had not even taken the ( virtually riskless ) alternative of leaving the money on deposit with the bankers .
30 Luke 's eyes licked over her in a way that made his answer perfectly clear .
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