Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] down [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You will be taught about hazards both in the classroom and on the wards and should always adhere to procedures and policies laid down for the safety of patients and yourself .
2 The district council claim that unauthorised use of the farm shop for the sale of goods not produced within the farm holding is not a use ancillary to agricultural use , and is contrary to policies laid down by the district local plan .
3 Essentially , it had a directing and supervisory role , ensuring that the policies laid down by the Politburo were known and vigorously pursued at all levels .
4 ( WES ) Almost all the club 's riders have refused to agree to new pay scales laid down by the sport 's governing body .
5 The Commission made a provisional determination that the plaintiffs had failed to establish a claim according to the rules laid down under the statute .
6 But these are only reasons of strategy , and a pragmatist believes judges should always be ready to override such reasons when he thinks that changing rules laid down in the past would be in the general interest overall , notwithstanding some limited damage to the authority of political institutions .
7 Claims brought in respect of loss of cargo will be governed by the rules laid down in the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971 , the Hague-Visby Rules .
8 Each dance followed particular rules laid down by the dancing masters , and this idea continued to prevail even after Gluck began to compose operas and ballets which had greater continuity .
9 Since a Convention rule covering an issue displaces the need for resort to the conflicts of laws whilst the non-coverage of an issue necessitates recourse to the applicable law as determined by the conflicts rules of the forum , it may become necessary to decide whether an issue on which the Convention contains no express provision is covered by implication , applying any canons of interpretation laid down by the Convention itself , and if not , whether recourse is to be had to general conflict-of-laws rules or to any particular conflict rules laid down by the Convention .
10 But the five-figure sum paid for No 34 Smith Square , Westminster , will not reduce customers ' water bills under privatisation rules laid down by the Government itself .
11 True , the police do at times breach the rules laid down by the law .
12 If he does cause a byelection , he will face the charge that he is not prepared to play by the rules laid down by the party conference .
13 He disapproved of his bishop ( A. A. David ) for the tough way in which he handled three recalcitrant Anglo-Catholic priests who refused to conform to rules laid down by the bishop and yet did nothing about the radical dean of the cathedral who did things equally nonconforming in a Low Church direction .
14 The bulk of LIFFE 's trade is conducted by " open outcry " in pits , each of which is specific to a particular type of instrument which is traded in it only during the recognised hours laid down by the Exchange .
15 A boom was now built across the River Foyle which connected it , via Lough Foyle , with the open sea , and the 30,000 citizens began a long ordeal by privation and disease , in which many thousands died , while enemy bombs plunged down upon the town .
16 A short flight of stone steps led down to the entrance .
17 His eyes flickered down to the gondola .
18 The reporter 's eyes flickered down to the floor .
19 This may sound harsh , but it seems to me that when we lost our empire our eyes came down from the horizon and looked at our feet .
20 There was no message from the police captain , and he was on the point of leaving again for the City of Dreams when a rickshaw , its linen sunscreens pulled down around the passenger seat , rushed into the square and stopped by him , blocking his path .
21 Ashley 's eyes drifted down from the screen and she frowned .
22 A row of yellow , baleful eyes looked down from the darkness among the rafters .
23 According to the Americans , a handful of dogfights during the first week produced a lopsided result : nearly a score of the most modern Iraqi French- and Soviet-built fighters shot down in the air for the loss , possibly , of a single American fighter .
24 The woman dropped the credits where he could n't catch them ; the thin plastic chips feathered down through the air and Mijnheer scrabbled after them , his dignity in shreds .
25 The medical officer of an institution was , subject to the direction of the management committee , to visit and attend the inmates regularly , and to carry out all the duties of his predecessor with additional duties laid down by the Act .
26 Burun 's feet came down off the sill .
27 On Thursday night — late night shopping — Nails went down to the supermarket in his anorak with the big pockets and lifted six electric plugs , four pairs of scissors and a pair of pillowcases which he sold to a friend of his father 's for three pounds .
28 The ponies walked slowly because their feet went down into the snow .
29 To the east , well fenced and warning hung , a sheer drop of two hundred feet fell down to the golf course .
30 Watkins wrote of the Cree Indian tracks always being straight , and recent findings in Chaco Canyon , New Mexico , confirm the existence of long straight tracks laid down by the Anasazi .
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