Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] out into [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When English merchants moved out into the world beyond Europe , it was natural enough that the Spice Islands became their ultimate objective .
2 They were all sitting , legs stuck out into the path , backs against the cliff , munching on sandwiches and swigging from plastic cups .
3 Fierce Eyes went out into the storm and returned with the grandmother 's grizzled skull , the hair frozen into spikes which he broke off and cast on to the fire , where they sizzled , cooled , then flared .
4 It was healthy too ; the two great arms of piers reached out into the sea and were a regular walking spot for anyone in need of a breath of air or some exercise .
5 Agitated shopkeepers rushed out into the street when they saw the marchers approaching and tried to rescue their wares .
6 Mudbound tideposts staggered out into the creek , and out across the flats a marram-fastened line of sand-dunes concealed the distant sea .
7 A string quintet played in the largest of the reception rooms , and guests spilled out into the garden in between light showers .
8 A pull on the line , and the bag is out of the hole , its contents spilled out into the road .
9 The mourners came out into the frost and mist of the January morning as the last traffic-jams of the rush-hour began to clear .
10 Then there was a movement of feet , and the shadowy spectres trooped out into the night .
11 She was too stunned to really see the way the car shattered the wide expanse of glass and then she instinctively covered her face as jagged pieces flew out into the street .
12 Back in Chalk Farm the crowds stumbled out into the dawn , past the shuttered Greek restaurants , the nearest thing to a chic London ice cream parlour , Marine Ices , the junk shops and cafes .
13 Two sets of catwalks spanned the length of the cavern and four smaller catwalks led out into the water , all of them enclosed by safety railings .
14 Nogai backed out into the passage .
15 Alexei came out into the yard as Rostov was dismounting .
16 The fresh men piled out into the fight , driving the MacIans away from the ships for long enough to grab every Maclean they could find and heave him aboard .
17 He retreated to a side booth where he summoned a waiter , ordered a beer , and watched as the two men went out into the garden at the rear .
18 Leaving the happily chatting girls to pack the food , the two boys wandered out into the garden .
19 He shot a larger doe on the run as the little herd began dashing for cover , and the Moi bearers ran out into the plain to hoist the two dead animals on their shoulder poles .
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