Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] [vb pp] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Those troubles — referred to as the ‘ Irish Rebellion ’ — were overcome only by violent methods used by the ‘ Black and Tans ’ , plus some restless ex-soldiers , known as the ‘ Auxiliaries ’ , and when the facts of those violent methods became known to the British public , they were declared unacceptable — despite the outrages which Sinn Fein had instituted in London and the bombings in Belfast .
2 Perhaps because of this he contrived to fight on even after his brothers had surrendered to the Old King .
3 These offers were meant to demonstrate that the two younger brothers had gone to the very limit of reasonable concessions , and hence would bear no guilt for the casualties of battle .
4 Within a few decades , forests and animals had returned to the shattered islands which were all that remained of Krakatoa 's outer rim ; and from the waters between them emerged an ominous smoking mound , sometimes growing at a rate of more than three feet a month .
5 Mechale said that civil conflict , drought and seed shortages had contributed to the poor harvests in 1991 .
6 Within an hour of the Syrian air attack , Aoun , his family and high-ranking supporters had fled to the French embassy .
7 I did not think of following him , my feet seemed rooted to the sandy path and I saw him through a mist of tears as he appeared to melt through the door , which closed behind him .
8 Earlier , weeping parents had rushed to the popular beauty spot at Holme Hall , Chesterfield , Derbys , near where the boys lived .
9 Both parents had come to the open evening and she had been able to talk to them .
10 Six of the engineers had swum to the northern bank where they were fastening a rope to a great elm tree .
11 Although most state governments had switched to the new award as a means of recognizing public service , Queensland and Tasmania had continued to recommend Australians for knighthoods and lower awards .
12 Banks had appealed to the Supreme Court against the ruling [ see p. 38726 ] .
13 Before the war , Unionists had pointed to the huge disparity between the smallest and largest seats ( in 1910 Kilkenny had an electorate of a few hundred and Romford an electorate of over 50,000 ) , and had noted that Unionist constituencies were on average larger than Liberal constituencies , far larger than those of Nationalists in Ireland .
14 She claimed mortgage repossessions had added to the homeless spiral and contributed to a 40pc increase in Langbaurgh borough in the last 12 months .
15 Review the requirement for computer support of outposted files as an added value factor once a department network had been installed ( Note : this was due to take place after the departments had moved to the new accommodation ) .
16 Only his arms had reached to the top strands .
17 In the First World War radicals had looked to the emerging superpowers to enable democratic movements to set Europe to rights — whether by the enforcement of a Pax Americana , or by the boost given by the Russian Revolution to the campaign for a negotiated peace .
18 If these two states had agreed to the Grand Design , it may well have succeeded .
19 Compensation for the cost of rebuilding damaged and destroyed property is only released when work begins , which explains the relatively small amounts paid compared to the estimated cost of damage .
20 The UN said that by Oct. 24 some 100,000 suburban residents had fled to the relative safety of central Monrovia .
21 But whereas the others had gone to the left , Delaney went to the right .
22 The council and others had objected to the proposed development and the council had refused planning permission on the ground that the proposals would result in an intensification of air pollution in an area where the level of existing pollution was high and would create additional health hazards to residents of the area .
23 ‘ I can deeply appreciate the complainant 's disappointment at the outcome of the inquiry after the council and others had objected to the proposed development .
24 Few German soldiers had penetrated to the far side of the island and none had entered The Tamarisks .
25 Other reports claimed that the Iraqi forces were generally well behaved , and that many soldiers had apologized to the civilian population for the invasion .
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