Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Onions , left to go to seed , displayed magnificent fluffy heads , and a host of chirruping birds fluttered excitedly about the varied riches of the wilderness .
2 The search for new policies led additionally to the widespread adoption of monetary targets in most economies , including the UK , apparently giving some acceptance of the monetarist claim that inflation is a consequence of a rapid growth in the money supply .
3 Foreign imports into Britain continued to grow rapidly in the 1970s and 1980s while UK exports of manufactures levelled off from the late 1970s , making the UK a net importer of manufactured goods for the first time in the long history we have described ( Figure 2.1 ) .
4 I send minutes laid out in the proper style .
5 The team will play to the rules laid down for the 1992 World Cup .
6 An exclusion clause , which purports to exclude or limit liability under these terms , is subject to the rules already outlined in this chapter , including the rules laid down in the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 .
7 The Yorkshire Television helicopter , which had lifted the crew in , landed in pitch darkness , totally against the ground rules laid down by the Civil Aviation Authority , and lifted out the film equipment .
8 Plans agreed on by the first meeting included a shopping trip to Holland to visit a shop which sells outsize jeans and sweat-shirts and another to Germany to a shop which claims to sell the biggest size shoes in the world .
9 The frozen lakes and surrounding snow peaks gleamed ethereally in the wan light of a crescent moon and a starspangled sky .
10 The administrative arrangement and supervision required for such teamwork was exactly the sort of skill in which Lewis excelled , and the hours passed quickly with the progressive gleaning of intelligence , the gradual build up of hard fact to bolster tentative theory — and always that almost insolent gratification that shone in Morse 's eyes , for the latter appeared to have known ( or so it seemed to Lewis ) most of the details before the calls and corroboration had been made .
11 All these data will help to inform the stage of development into which the records-of-achievement movement is now moving , namely that of nationalization following the proposals laid out in the 1984 policy statement .
12 Huge crowds built up on the Western side of the Wall as West Berliners witnessed the historic developments , some even crossing over into the East for a walk .
13 The small birds clustered tightly on the swinging coconut were fighting for a firm grip .
14 A survey by US federal scientists has recorded " total failure " to reproduce among colonies of murres — diving birds found widely in the northern Pacific .
15 Such approaches , of course , were ordinarily difficult to resist , for a house never knew when royal gratitude might be of value to it in some application of its own or in some lawsuit ; a number of larger houses , like Bury St Edmunds in 1303 , even found themselves accommodating more than one royal corrodian ; furthermore , the recipients of these requests ranged far outside the hundred or so houses of which the king was patron .
16 Human-Computer Interaction : Issues and techniques which determine the usability of computer systems , interactive programming techniques , and novel types of human-computer interface such as computer hearing , vision , speech , and AI systems ; Industrial computer vision systems ; Aiding the work of a programmer producing computer vision systems for specific applications ; Building into such systems the ability to monitor their own performance and adapt appropriately ; Studying the human-computer interactions involved both in the developmental and industrial environments .
17 The frequency of political discussions rose sharply between the pre-campaign week and the final campaign , but then it continued to rise steadily throughout the campaign to peak at the very end .
18 The car drove in through the dusty , bleached stone gates to the stone courtyard where a fountain played and cicadas buzzed noisily in the palms and jacarandas moved softly in the hot sea air .
19 Whilst it is true that parole was advocated in Crime — a challenge to us all , it is true also that in the consensual politics of the day party study groups drew freely upon the available sources of expertise and received wisdom : the penal services themselves , the legal and academic communities , penal reform and other related interest groups , and published material from official or academic sources .
20 Speaking on implementing the guidelines laid down by the fifth plenum , government spokesperson Yuan Mu said on Nov. 22 : " The main problem behind the many mistakes which have occurred in China in the past lies within the party and it is therefore necessary first to focus attention on the party itself in solving the problem " ( of " dilution and weakening of party leadership , neglect of ideological and political work , and neglect of the building of party style " ) .
21 Japan continued to favour the guidelines laid down in the 1988 Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resources ( Cramra ) .
22 This example of evaluation is related to the parameters laid down in the first part of the chapter .
23 The few survivors got home via the friendly Greek state of Cyrene to the west .
24 Quick replies by Kelly Shelford and Mark Elia led to the suspicion that New Zealand could score at will and were easing themselves into their stride , but doubts arose early in the second half with a succession of missed chances .
25 His eyes narrowed dangerously at the undisguised sarcasm in her voice
26 The toilets and bathrooms and showers were at the end of the hall on the second floor , and from my window I had a splendid view of the cathedral , whose Gothic , Renaissance and baroque styles mingled perfectly in the dark-rose-and-amber stone to give it almost the appearance of some natural rock formation .
27 The personal relationships built up over the 15 weeks often encourage longer discussions on how the subjects the pupils are learning about relate to the outside ‘ grown-up ’ world of industry and academe .
28 His lips sucked eagerly at the golden liquid .
29 At the top a glass cocktail bar slowly revolved , and drinkers exclaimed gaily at the changing spectacle of industrial buildings under construction .
30 The second is directed towards the sculptured shapes found mostly in the aeronautical and motor industries .
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