Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] [pron] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As inevitably occurs when abstract semantic properties are posited independently of form and then forms sought which express these properties , however , the binding hierarchy explanation , while offering some significant observations , does not square very well with the full range of data from actual language use .
2 And she gave me an indulgent look and she said , ‘ I 'm really sorry , the pictures made me feel tender feelings for you , but they just really did not arouse me . ’
3 As the Americans saw it , both goals required them to reassure those parties who felt nervous about what was going on .
4 Left influence was sustained increasingly by events overseas , events over which most Labour supporters felt they had little control and which most of them probably saw as secondary to their still-lingering economic burdens .
5 Many retailing organizations said they gave fixed-term contracts to seasonal workers brought in to cope with the Christmas peak .
6 And now with his own hands and feet tied he has great notions of delivering me . ’
7 Several informants in my study articulated the view that their parents preferred them to speak British English : Mom — mom likes me to speak mostly English , she said when I go out into , you know , upper class society , and I start speakin " Patois dey might not understand , and take me as an idiot .
8 But as European and Japanese business turned their attention to the US market their relatively low wage costs allowed them to make substantial inroads .
9 Observers said they expected pro-reform supporters of President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani to win 70 per cent of the 270 seats .
10 West German officials said they hoped similar arrangements could be made .
11 She was the target of a bomb attack during her visit and French officials said they suspected Iraqi government agents .
12 Investigations followed which revealed various reasons .
13 The levy due on hundred-per-cent woollen goods made him remember other customs regulations , and then instantly of his contraband Sam .
14 At the peak moment of the 6-day picket of the coke works , 800 police officers found themselves containing 15,000 pickets .
15 Their accountants advised them to put further capital into the business or sell it .
16 The Japanese seizure of Manchuria in 1931 went relatively unchallenged by the Western powers as an intra-Asian affair , but as Japanese ambitions grew they aroused growing concern in nations further afield , notably the European powers with territories in Southeast Asia , and the US with its Pacific interests .
17 Members of the star-studded cast objected strongly when producers insisted they shoot one scene with LIVE WORMS in their mouths .
18 Interior ministry sources said they suspected ultra-rightwing groups were responsible for the murder .
19 Clothes were irrelevant … only flesh mattered to her where Damian was concerned , because she did not just want the hard , ambitious chairman of the board , but the man of flesh and blood whom she loved more powerfully than she could put into words , and only the silent communication of their bodies allowed her to express that love
20 Founded in 1937 by Erica Fiah , African trader and leader of the African Welfare and Commercial Association , the paper was initially a platform for that Association , and Fiah told his readers that effective improvement for Africans required them to have political power as well as economic and educational advancement .
21 His wide grasp of the practicalities of sports administration and the problems inherent in the voluntary nature of sport and its governing bodies enabled him to bring sound judgement in policy formation within the CCPR .
22 Talk of a pre-emptive Israeli strike against the missiles meant the Saudis felt they needed stronger air defences to guard the missiles … and so the British arms sellers moved in .
23 Talk of a pre-emptive Israeli strike against the missiles meant the Saudis felt they needed stronger air defences to guard the missiles … and so the British arms sellers moved in .
24 Greenside experts saw him miss three birdie opportunities , from six , 10 and 15 feet .
25 At different times in the week , the teachers found themselves taking different roles .
26 Speech and Drama teachers found themselves gaining unexpected support from ‘ the authority ’ .
27 These have been included in the FRED because respondents stated they found similar material in the discussion paper helpful .
28 She omitted to mention that , when they last made representations to the bookseller , Mr Pascall , he had said that he stocked the books he could sell ; and if the ladies wanted him to sell better books they should take to buying them and reading them , instead of watching television all day .
29 The French authorities did something to safeguard communal property among their Moslem subjects in Algeria , even though Napoleon III ( in the Senatus-Consulte of 1863 ) found it inconceivable that individual property rights in land should not be established formally among the members of Moslem communities ‘ where possible and opportune ’ , a measure which actually had the effect of permitting Europeans for the first time to buy them out .
30 A clue to his role may be found in the fact that only seven times did he take five wickets in an innings and never once ten in a match .
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