Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] they [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I know of a lovely teacher who told her boys and girls in school about God 's plan for the animals and they had a mother bunny in her cage right in the schoolroom .
2 Farm workers also gain intrinsic satisfaction from working with living and growing plants and animals and they share a sense of achievement when they are finally brought to maturity , the sequential nature of production allowing workers to be involved in all of the stages through to completion .
3 Thus individuals desire certain goals and they put a value on these goals .
4 They take sea shells or pearls not pearls and they powder a bit and then put several layers on it so they are not
5 The changing patterns of sea surface temperature were recorded by satellite mounted sensors and they showed a region of unusually warm water travelling across the Pacific .
6 I know about these pirate recordings and they cause a lot of trouble — this is something we have to be very careful about with our CD videos — but I know that sometimes there are things that we can never recapture and it is understandable that people will want to have them .
7 They were without hot water and numerous other comforts but they had a base they could call their own .
8 We have a selection of er three small bottles and they have a mixture of essential oils in them
9 This bar on the right hand side represents those sites where less than one hundred cases were performed during the eight month audit period , there were seven of these sites and they performed a total of four hundred and sixty eight operations .
10 Its citizens have seen how the capitalist half of Europe lives and they want a share .
11 1 The public as a whole had fallen victim to the revolution of rising expectations and they displayed a lack of " realism " as to the constraints that bore on the capacity of governments to provide ever more .
12 They interviewed parents , specialist professionals and mainstream day-care workers and they designed a questionnaire which was completed by workers in a large proportion of mainstream council services and voluntary organisations , as well as by some child-minders .
13 Corelli 's slow movements are noble pieces and they have a gravity which is served well by a large group of instruments favouring a notably slower tempo than has recently become the fashion .
14 Cos like on Friday we had textiles and they go a bit cheesed off when we miss so much textiles .
15 Of course yes I know it encourages the pigeons and they make a mess but anything to beautify the inner city .
16 The services of the Hawes Silver Band are still employed to accompany the hymns and they played a march while a collection was taken for St Matthew 's Church and Swaledale Fell Rescue Team .
17 Erm The Body , The Body Shop staff were all give were all given training were n't they and , and a lot of details and they had a video that they use with them , perhaps that 's the aspect that 's not been looked at so well .
18 My grandmother , right , had a back to back No listen , this is funny , she lived in a tenement in er which is n't there anymore actually just up by the river , up by the Angel , and there was nine people living there in two rooms and they had a lodger and the lodger , so they did have
19 We hailed the nearest bargemen and they ran a plank down for us .
20 α-granules are the most numerous of platelet organelles and they have a variety of densities and staining characteristics .
21 Aunt Hettie and Uncle Fred said nothing , bless them , when I puffed my way through a packet of cigarettes or they smelt a hint of beer on my breath .
22 Oh yeah , we 've got the analysis we 've got the questionnaires Okay what we 're gon na look at now is we gon na look at the work of Honey and Munnford and what Honey and Munnford spent a lot of time researching was people 's learning sides and they spent a lot of research and what they found out is that there are four different learning sides and we all learn in different ways .
23 And , and all these tests and they 've a project here and this , that and the other
24 Most of them are n't er there 's , there 's a couple of young guys and they look a bit like , you know , bi bit like jerks really
25 Now divide the children into two sections and they choose a person to start .
26 They use old machinery often with horses and they need a kick start .
27 This attitude , you know , boys will be boys and they make a mess and poor Mum has to do all the washing , is really quite , quite misguided because it , it does encourage those assumptions that mothers are there to tidy up after sons , and of course then sons when they grow up and get wives want to replace their mothers .
28 They are very tolerant about boys ' mess in the home and untidiness generally , and in a sense they lay the foundations right from the very beginning of boys growing up to think of women as kind of household servants — this attitude , you know , boys will be boys and they make a mess and poor mum has to do all the washing .
29 Techniques exist for the ‘ stitching ’ of such fractures and they include a method in which groups of holes spaced at pre-defined centres are drilled across , and at right angles to each crack .
30 Either that or we write a couple of variations on the end of this and we say the general access conforms to this but in their case , the other one is pre-booked , the extras and they have a booking schedule .
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