Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] be [vb pp] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 During conference debate on industrial law , Brenda Dean , general secretary of the print union Sogat , attacked Mr Maxwell over the treatment of over 100 workers at the Nuffield Press in Oxford who , she said , had to agree to individual contracts or be sacked at the end of the week .
2 these cones can be a real bargain , since they are usually ‘ ends of line ’ from the commercial manufacturers and are sold at a very good price .
3 The bones are bound to each other by tough , flexible ligaments and are articulated at the joints by muscles .
4 The bones are bound to each other by tough , flexible ligaments and are articulated at the joints by muscles .
5 He was greeted by 5,000 UNITA supporters and was met at the airport by government representatives .
6 During this period a student normally attends courses in research methods and is required at the end of the period to submit a thesis embodying the results of his or her work .
7 Her hair was done in pig-tails that hung over her shoulders and were tied at the bottom with satin ribbon .
8 The platforms were reached by ‘ Stanwood ’ fixed steps and were closed at the driver 's end by ‘ Bostwick ’ collapsible gates .
9 It has two patch pockets and is darted at the front to give a neat silhouette .
10 Erm the main difference between a non-executive director and a director basically is that the directors are added to by the shareholders and are re-elected at the annual general meetings .
11 The centres with high U/Pb also have higher average Ce/Pb than most basalts ( Fig. 3 c ) If the U/Pb ratios are representative of their sources and were fractionated at the time of formation of the oceanic lithosphere , this must also be true of the Ce/Pb ratios .
12 He went down the stairs and was stopped at the sound of voices .
13 The oblong inner is attached under the hexagonal shaped flysheet by elastic cords and toggles and is positioned at an angle to the flysheet doors .
14 Although Crosse went to sea as early as 1569 , he spent most of the years to 1584 in soldiering , at times in Ireland and in Scotland , where he served with the Regency forces and was wounded at the siege of Edinburgh Castle in 1573 .
15 If thought right a proposal must go to Divisions and be put at the Annual General Meeting .
16 The relevant concept is seen to be that choice , influencing cost , which is borne exclusively by the decision-maker , can not be shifted to others and is dated at the moment of the decision .
17 New look , pure cotton jersey t-shirt buttons down the front , has three-quarter length sleeves and is shaped at the hem .
18 The resulting ModelGen system costs between £13,300 and £21,300 and offers texture tools and virtual reality options and is aimed at the virtual reality , architectural , computer-aided design walkthrough , computer-aided design visualisation and entertainment markets .
19 The Hitachi array is expected to use quirky 6.5 ’ disk drives and is pitched at a market Hopkinton , Massachusetts-based EMC Corp has made its own with its Symmetrix product , which Gartner Group reckons may be taking as much as 10% of the current mainframe disk market .
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