Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [vb past] [to-vb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 23 of the charges allege that Mr Oliffe caused unnecessary suffering to farm animals , another 11 allege that he starved animals and failed to provide adequate facilities and accommodation .
2 23 of the charges allege that Mr Oliffe caused unnecessary suffering to farm animals , another 11 allege that he starved animals and failed to provide adequate facilities and accommodation .
3 The London-based committee was in contact with ministers , tried hard to persuade the island legislatures to initiate measures of amelioration to make the West Indian position more tenable in British eyes and managed to raise some petitions on slavery 's behalf , though few compared with the abolitionist flood .
4 The modular , simulation technique appears to have been preferred by more subjects and perceived to give greater insight than did the optimal technique .
5 He was banned from driving for 6 months and ordered to do 200 hours of community service .
6 A Council resolution of 7 June 1991 also emphasised separately the importance it attached to the training of arts administrators and agreed to encourage existing initiatives in this area at a European level .
7 Initially , she rushed the lines and failed to realise those pauses that are so special in Russell 's comic dialogue .
8 He set his closest co-operator , Olavide , to reform the Madrid Hospital for poor invalids and attempted to clear all beggars out of Madrid .
9 Delegations from Senegal and Guinea-Bissau met in Sao Domingo , Guinea-Bissau , on May 29 , 1990 , where they reaffirmed their commitment not to harbour members of each other 's subversive movements and undertook to strengthen military co-operation .
10 ( a ) Meetings and their conduct Whatever may have been agreed as to the taking of decisions by unanimous or majority vote , as much a matter of good management as of good faith is the need to ensure that all relevant information is given to all the partners before a vote is taken : the requisite majority of partners should not purport to take decisions and act on them behind the backs of the minority unless such has been expressly authorised or the need for immediate action precludes the convening of a partners ' meeting ; and even then there should be no delay before all partners are acquainted with the circumstances and invited to ratify any decision taken in their name .
11 As the economic recession continued to worsen , however , the government , in 1976 , reduced very substantially its regional programmes and began to give more emphasis to encouraging economic growth in the prosperous regions .
12 On a large site pupils will not be able to cover everything in the time available , so pupils can be divided into groups and instructed to investigate different topics or features .
13 In the 1980s , in principle at least , government drew back from collusion with pressure groups and tried to leave economic market conditions to decide policy .
14 He suffered with violent mood swings and hoped to receive psychiatric help while in prison .
15 Meanwhile , within the executive , the Treasury in 1961 accepted the Plowden Committee 's proposals and began to plan public expenditure on the framework of a five-year rolling programme .
16 Three of these had discontinued treatment themselves after only a few days and failed to keep further appointments , one was found to have severe total colonic disease on colonoscopy , and one was found to have Crohn 's disease ; none of these five patients had side effects from treatment and were deemed unsuitable for analysis .
17 Inroads has had quality assurance systems in place for several years and decided to go one step further by introducing its new teamwork scheme .
18 Despite the policy commitment to developmental work in Nottinghamshire social services department , the CMHTs were under great pressure to take on a normal casework function even in advance of developing needed services : health service priorities favoured immediate casework support ; area teams in the social services department hoped to off-load casework with mentally handicapped people — not least to focus more fully on work with children and families ; and the social workers recruited to the CMHTs were confident in their casework skills but needed to adopt new roles , skills , and ways of working if development work was to become a reality .
19 ‘ My only real previous acting experience was when I was working for Walt Disney Productions and had to visit sick children in hospital dressed up in a Pluto costume .
20 He can claim the return of the price he paid to Y. This claim is based upon a breach of contract by Y in that Y did not have the right to sell the goods and failed to confer any ownership upon his buyer , Z ( see paragraph 7–07 below ) .
21 Sitting in a heavily carved chair to the right of it , George Briant took a sardonic pleasure in the manifest discomfort of the men and women in front of him who moved uneasily in their damp coats and tried to find dry patches on their laps on which to rest their notebooks .
22 Yester-day police claimed gang members were issued with machine-guns and semi-automatic pistols and told to shoot terrified motorists who got in their way .
23 Within 24 hours , NIH security police were given the list of names and told to call each person to tell them of the theft .
24 The modern tendency is that the minister is not required to shelter a civil servant who has acted improperly , particularly if he has disobeyed instructions or failed to follow established procedures .
25 In my homeless state , I listened to these independent old ladies and vowed to remember both tactics when my time came .
26 It applied equally to the Galapagos Archipelago where the ancestors of Darwin 's finches had on arrival resolutely stuck to their islands and refused to travel short distances across water to interbreed and had consequently evolved into thirteen distinct species .
27 The eventual outcome was not favourable to the students who had taken politics into their own hands and tried to realise democratic practices at the local level .
28 Mick came and made some tea and sat her down with a cup in her hands and tried to talk some sense into her .
29 Foreign direct investment by manufacturers has also grown rapidly over the past decade as firms chased lower costs , moved closer to their markets and tried to dodge protectionist barriers .
30 Mrs Allen was taught which foods contained protein and vitamins and encouraged to have some form of protein with each meal , as well as fruit and vegetables , at least once daily .
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