Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [prep] [art] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 A 'sham " has been defined by Diplock LJ ( as he then was ) in Snook v London and West Riding Investments Ltd [ 1967 ] 2 QB 786 ( at p802 ) to include : [ A ] cts done or documents executed by the parties to the " sham " which are intended by them to give to third parties or to the court the appearance of creating between the parties legal rights and obligations different from the actual legal rights and obligations ( if any ) which the parties intend to create .
2 On the right the post-war Greyseed council houses stand over abandoned quarries and on the left the school playing fields opposite the Royal Oak are on the site of the mediaeval Purbeck ‘ marble ’ pits .
3 The principal transitions from one phase of people 's life to another were thought of as crises and as a result the community to which they belonged assisted with the appropriate rituals .
4 Microscopic : The adult parasites have a simple mouth opening surrounded by three large lips and in the male the tail has small caudal alae .
5 As ever they found drunk drivers but across the area the numbers fell .
6 This is seen , correctly , as potentially very rewarding for the domestic industry , and in some First World non-hegemon countries and in the NICs the supply of materials and components , for example to the automobile TNCs , has certainly been economically rewarding .
7 Wherever I turn my eyes , I only see gardens and in the distance the finest castles …
8 The turf was springy beneath her feet and to the south the abbey stones , no longer mysterious or sinister , gleamed golden against the blue untroubled sea .
9 Their audience was way beyond anything threatened by the revolutionary dogma of the Redskins and for the matter the NME .
10 The harbour beyond was a myriad sparkling lights from moored boats and yachts and across the bay the twinkling lights of Palma lit up palm trees and white tower blocks , making them look more stunningly magical by night than by day .
11 ‘ Seed capital ’ ( May ) , raised an important issue relating to the accounting treatment of research and development costs and to the way the financial market apparently views companies whose results are depressed by R&D spending .
12 Crown counsel did not make any offer of the statements and in the circumstances the learned trial judge was entitled to assume that there were no discrepancies or inconsistencies therein and to refuse to order production of the statements .
13 In addition , the purchaser should seek from the vendor a specific indemnity against bad debts but on the basis the purchaser acknowledges that it will not be able to recover twice for both breach of warranty and under the bad debt indemnity .
14 Normally the forces from one molecule are counterbalanced by equal attraction by other molecules but at an interface the forces become unbalanced .
15 Half an hour 's drive north will take you to the moors and to the west the dales .
16 The background changes and in a way the background is about things like the visual aids , flipcharts and er the use of video and er even these peripherals you can put on a on a overhead projector now that plug into a computer .
17 They each had a few jokes and by the time the roach was flushed away she was already experiencing her first rush , a warm , dreamy sensation that seemed to encompass her whole being .
18 It is all too well remembered : the slimy feel of it , hanging limp and unfitting around her as she stands awkward on the threshold of the Clarks ' drawing-room , where the carpets are rolled back , the parquet gleams and in the corner the big hired radiogram is asserting that the lady is a tramp .
19 The new US administration is expected to focus on key areas of enforcement of emission regulations and in the UK the 1990 Environmental Protection Act is being implemented industry by industry .
20 Budgets will be devolved to team managers but for the present the department lacks the confidence .
21 In 1990 Hungary 's defence budget was reduced by 30 per cent in real terms and as a result the Hungarian Army , 106,000 strong in 1988 , was to be reduced to 80,000 by 1991 .
22 There were no constraints and from the outset the showmen were not unaware that many of their patrons had come in search of entertainment that was not entirely respectable .
23 Unfortunately for the Dwarfs and for the Empire the reigning Emperor was Dieter IV , the Elector Count of Stirland , perhaps the most ineffective and self serving individual ever to sit upon the Imperial throne .
24 His face was a picture of red ferocity , the straggling red hair and beard , the bloodshot eyes , the gaunt-featured face burnt red by wind and sun , which yet showed on the cheekbones and under the eyes the bruising stain of tiredness .
25 The insertion of notes is controlled by two key clusters , on the right-hand side of the keyboard which governs octave , stem direction , note length and accidentals and on the left the actual notes .
26 For the Goldsmiths and for the country the opening years of the nineteenth century were ones of financial crisis at home and of war abroad .
27 Each field had its own small barn for wintering stock , a custom said to be typical of the early Norse settlers that came to this dale , leaving on the landscape the marks of their hands and on the speech the sound of their tongue .
28 In the twentieth century the battles have been over quite different issues and in the courts the hitherto ancillary matters of child custody and maintenance have come to the fore .
29 The air smelled of wet earth and diesel fumes and in the east the mist was shot through with orange spokes of light .
30 The House proved willing to amend or reject legislation put before it as well as to remove individual ministers and on the occasion the government itself .
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