Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [verb] [adv prt] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was illogical to accept that an accord and satisfaction fell within s 286(5) but fell outside s 287(1) , which referred to where a company releases or writes off the whole or part of the debt .
2 After sewing the neck shape I either overlock the shoulders or pick up the stitches on a darning needle using the same colour yarn .
3 A quiet little fishing village on the northern-most tip of the island , where you can sample the day' catch in traditional-style restaurants or browse around the shops and bars .
4 Some may even be clinging to the arching aerial roots of the mangroves or clambering up the trunks .
5 Fine to medium paintbrushes are useful for moving flowers and leaves around , and for brushing hairs and fluff off the design once you have finished it .
6 All around him , squatting on the ground , were his followers ; and beyond them , around the outskirts and blocking up the mouths of the little streets which gave on to the square , was a wider , more disinterested audience .
7 Use of PLATO has the disadvantage that special PLATO terminals have to be used for the instruction ; this means that users can not be taught in their own congressional offices and carry out the training as and when required .
8 A mob attacked Kano government offices and burnt down the state radio station .
9 Sometimes a single boulder bounds and clatters down the scree pile , echoing loudly , sometimes a larger mass breaks away , sometimes the scree itself shifts and readjusts itself in a prolonged rattling clatter — a noise rather like the sea swashing back over pebbles .
10 Griselda opened her eyes and licked up the tear .
11 We should have knocked in a couple of goals and killed off the game . ’
12 Alphonse Blaguet , a mediator appointed by President André Kolingba , was charged with setting up a preparatory committee , consulting with political parties and drawing up the agenda .
13 When approached by a possible killer they hide their real heads and raise up the tips of their tails .
14 When , in 1124 , the Emperor Henry V planned an invasion , Louis summoned his nobles to Rheims to debate tactics and draw up the battle-lines .
15 According to a Dataquest Japan survey , Apple Computer Inc was the only personal computer maker in Japan to increase its shipments in 1992 — increasing by 45.8% to 185,000 units and jumping up the market share league table to third place from sixth last year , taking 8.3% of the market , writes Anita Byrnes .
16 ‘ Now work out the profit I made on each of the five cars and add up the total .
17 When the thumping and cheering had died away Mrs Grindlewood-Gryke rose to her feet fingering her pearls and smoothing down the flounces of her garden party frock .
18 It 's nearly time to give up the tights and get out the sandals .
19 She cut short the stumbling thanks and put down the phone .
20 Cockroaches crawl inside machinery such as tape recorders and computers and gum up the works .
21 Members are invited to log on to their computers and call up the Heisei menu .
22 It is hoped to attract 500 people to each of the two performances and to follow up the event with an ‘ Open Day ’ to be held the next week at which the public will be encouraged to try Medau for themselves .
23 She closed her eyes to the image , waiting to hear only the words and shut out the pain .
24 They unfolded the stiff green branches and set up the metal stand .
25 Then there would be a frantic rush to grab an armful of branches and beat out the flames .
26 Although they make a go of the cinema for a while , by showing desert pictures and pushing up the heat so that they can sell cool refreshments , their only aim is to get back to middle-class life , but with enough money to avoid any more ‘ petty , stupid problems . ’
27 Page make-up and graphics programs allow anybody able to use a computer to change a type-face or its size , to paste in pictures and to lay out the text in almost any manner .
28 They lifted her gently onto their shoulders and moved down the chapel .
29 If Simon had gone to the stables and let out the horses , it would be difficult to prove it .
30 Edward VIII , the rise of Hitler , and World War Three which will last three years and seven months and bring about the end of the world .
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