Example sentences of "[noun pl] [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So when the station came clean , they had to field several angry calls accusing them of pro-Nottingham Forest bias .
2 The next step , which only the most well-off men such as restaurant owners can afford , is keeping this wife in semi-purdah — in other words sentencing her to solitary confinement .
3 Even before he got to her she was mesmerised , the dark eyes holding her with complete ease , and she had to bring herself quickly back to the present to do what she had planned and set matters on an even footing straight away .
4 Unix pioneer Larry Michels , president , chairman , chief executive and co-founder of The Santa Cruz Operation Inc , has resigned in the wake of a civil suit filed by three former executive secretaries charging him with sexual harassment ( UX No 415 , 416 ) .
5 This is a large pool , 6.5 ft by 39.5 ft , with a wide flight of steps entering it from one end .
6 Caroline paced her bedroom , her furious steps taking her from one end of the handsome room to the other .
7 Easily Accessible : Several walks taking you through unspoilt countryside begin near the hotel .
8 This is a statement of law as it should be , rather than as it is , but there is nothing to stop the courts developing it in this direction .
9 Levering himself up to sit back on his heels and pulling her easily with him , he lifted her on to his lap , so that she found herself straddling him , her naked breasts pressed against the sensuous roughness of his chest , with only thin swimming costumes protecting her from ultimate intimacy .
10 As he put the glass to his lips to wash out the thought , his eye caught the soldierly portraits all around , the Divisional insignia above the mantelpiece , the roll of battle honours flanking them on each side , and he had a sudden vision of the mess walls decorated not with these trumpery monuments to man 's stupidity but with the torn and mangled limbs of countless unfortunates and , in the place of honour , Corporal Byford 's shattered , still bleeding leg .
11 As I began to serve more regularly I became more accepted amongst the older stalwarts of the service , my naval experience and general seamanship picked up on fishing craft and yachts standing me in good stead .
12 ‘ The Secretary of State , in exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 21(1) , ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) of the Oil and Gas ( Enterprise ) Act 1982 , and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf , hereby makes the following Order : ’
13 A series of publications subjecting him to merciless ridicule appeared in 1691 — note the date .
14 She has endured house arrest , detentions without trial , continual harassment by the police and orders banning her from political activity , while , all the time , never shrinking from her duties of leadership in the thankless battle against apartheid .
15 It has been shown to thrive on a diet of soluble uranium ions converting them into solid waste and thereby making them easier to remove .
16 There are few caves in this part of the world today , and there is no record of snowy owls entering them at any time .
17 In particular , teacher-librarians could describe how some subject areas were making greater use of the library for project-based or topic-based work , and could describe how the library was booked , sometimes on a regular basis , by departments using it in this way .
18 Mr Gordon Green , a senior executive member , said the recent educational changes were doomed to failure unless the Government recognised the true value of teachers implementing them by improving pay and conditions .
19 Sitting with your hands supporting you on either side , cross you ankles and , keeping your legs straight together , attempt to separate them by pushing your ankles together .
20 Kenneth Baker said law and order was one of the most common issues greeting him during this campaign .
21 Klein , who denied the reports linking him to Colombian drug dealers , was committed for trial on June 1 , 1990 , charged with illegally exporting Israeli military expertise .
22 Claudia drove the ten miles separating them at reckless speed .
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