Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [not/n't] [vb infin] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It should be noted that the Guidelines do not form part of the Code and are not enforceable under the Bye–Laws of The Engineering Council .
2 The Squigs do n't like daylight at all , and quickly become maddened by the sun .
3 Naturally , animals do not defy conservation of energy during running .
4 I replied to Ms Chevannes through the same newspaper thus : ‘ Generally , black kids do not demonstrate interest in school work and do not sink much enthusiasm into their efforts .
5 It is clear that the proportion of abusers is very small ; it is equally clear that the vast majority of drinkers do not abuse alcohol at all .
6 Frogs do n't lay spawn in winter .
7 While such phrases do not do justice to its many insights — to which I will return in Chapter 8 — there are nevertheless some serious weaknesses in the approach .
8 If parents do not find time for such training they will spend more time scolding and correcting at a later stage .
9 It may be that those parents do not consider colour to be important , but such a blind attitude towards the role of group differences in the society is unwise .
10 Perhaps this is why straight lines do not suggest movement along their length as effectively as slightly curved ones .
11 A lot of countries do n't have control over their own economies , they do n't have control over things like whether of not people are going to have jobs , whether or not people are going to make a livelihood , whether or not people are going to even be able to live in the country , because in Ireland something like 1000 people a week are leaving the country in order to get work .
12 ( Some countries do not pay compensation for damage . )
13 In theory , EEC countries do not need production of a Green Card , but in practice most hauliers carry one to facilitate an uninterrupted crossing .
14 Mr. Michael Alison : ( Second Church Estates Commission , representing the Church Commissioners ) : The limited information I have does not extend to most of those churches which are the responsibility of the incumbent and parochial church council , and the commissioners do not have information about fire and vandalism affecting them .
15 These chaps do n't have security of tenure . ’
16 This also has implications for econometric models since most of the existing models do not take account of knowledge of published forecasts .
17 The Kingman Report recommended that all children at the age of 16 should speak in Standard English , ‘ using their own accents ( provided that these accents do not impair comprehension by other speakers of English ) ’ ( chapter 5 , p. 52 ) .
18 Most legal civil service posts do not require advocacy at any level .
19 Now that sheep-stealing , forming trade unions and various other minor offences do not merit transportation to the colonies , a similar pardon may be granted to those who had been deemed worthy of such punishment in a different age .
20 Companies do not pay tax on their FII since it represents dividends paid out of profits that have already been taxed in the corporate sector ( s 208 ) .
21 The report observes that many companies do not take action on environmental issues until they are forced to do so by legislation .
22 At present , many health workers do not make use of the information that can take up to 60 per cent of their time to record on forms and in registers .
23 These calculations do not take account of the value of the long term assurance business .
24 Occasionally leases do not require consent for sub-letting and this may be a more suitable structure .
25 1.22 The clause and clause headings in the body of this agreement and in the Schedules do not form part of this agreement and shall not be taken into account in its construction or interpretation
26 If conditions subsequently permit some slackening of the measures , that can easily be done , especially as the major tax changes do not take effect for a year .
27 If conditions subsequently permit some slackening of the measures , that can easily be done , especially as the major tax changes do not take effect for a year .
28 Although they accept most of the reasoning behind the accelerationist hypothesis , these writers do not follow Friedman in identifying NAIRU with a condition of overall balance in the labour market .
29 In effect , large objects moving at hypersonic velocities do not have time to ‘ see ’ the atmosphere before cratering the surface .
30 A normal 2¼ does not run out of steam at 60mph Check that on full throttle the carb is actually on full throttle 24v distributors do not have provision for a vacuum ignition timing advance only a mechanical system which is prone to failure Also as the 24v plugs are very expensive these are seldom changed once out of the forces A cure this You do not comment on the general state of the engine possibly a decoke , piston rings and cylinder head skim ( up to 65 thousandsths of an inch ) which will give you the performance and reliability you require
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