Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Where the winters are warm , both the broadleaves and the conifers tend to keep their leaves in winter , as with the evergreen oaks and cypresses of the Mediterranean ( though the swamp cypress of Florida is unusual among conifers , in shedding its leaves ) .
2 Led by Martine Mariez , the head of a building company , they say Disney designers keep changing their minds about work but the company then rejects the bill .
3 ‘ Many clients try to overcome their difficulties by recourse to books on sexual technique .
4 ‘ When husbands come to fetch their wives after school , they gasp ‘ what have you done with my wife , she has become so gentle ! ’ ’
5 Furthermore , manufacturers wish to transfer their customers to their new ranges of computers from earlier models , and therefore want to minimize the problems of transition .
6 A similar effect to the above will be experienced if depositors in foreign currencies wish to switch their deposits into sterling in the UK — in response , say , to higher interest rates in the UK .
7 Public schools have raised their fees by an average 7.5 per cent this year , the smallest increase for a decade .
8 It may be that in attempting to start team teaching without the experience of preliminary resource-based and other approaches and without a great deal of shared discussion and curriculum planning some schools have plunged their staffs into an experience for which they were by no means ready .
9 The American embassy in Beijing is said to have received envelopes containing a few yuan as contributions from ordinary Chinese to the war effort ; and young would-be volunteer fighters have offered their services at the Kuwaiti and Saudi embassies .
10 Although nearly all the industrialised nations have set themselves targets for stabilising or reducing carbon dioxide emissions , the US , by far the biggest emitter , has consistently refused .
11 Black European residents , especially those denied civic rights , as in Germany and France , will be the main victims of the recent elections , as all the parties have turned their backs on the need to make Europe welcome for all its inhabitants , not just white ones .
12 In witness whereof the parties have placed their signatures on the day of 198
13 In witness whereof the parties have placed their signatures on the day of 198
14 In witness whereof the parties have placed their signatures on the day of 198
15 In witness whereof the parties have placed their signatures on the day of 198
16 And the rest of the Roker lads have played their parts in getting to this fairytale final .
17 Two stylish Waterfront restaurants have opened their doors to diners in The Calls area :
18 Editor Simon Hinde warns that some insurers have increased their premiums by as much as 20 times the inflation rate to pay for past losses .
19 The investment funds have placed their bets on Mr Greenwald , who helped Chrysler revive after the firm 's narrow escape from bankruptcy in 1979 .
20 Scientists and engineers tend to express their ideas in the form of equations because they need to know the precise values of quantities .
21 Many of the towns in the middle are mixed , like Kupres , scene of some of the worst fighting this week , and both the Serbs and Croats want to get their hands on them .
22 ‘ Facilities should be made available if Catholic parents want to send their children to Catholic schools .
23 Many parents try to discourage their kids from reading comics — but this one is a must for diabetic children .
24 However , such phrases do have their uses in speech .
25 Many parents prefer to send their children to such schools if they are available .
26 And some London pubs have slashed their prices from £1.70 a pint to less than a pound .
27 If the parents have brought their children with them do find time to make a fuss of them .
28 However , the fall in child-pedestrian casualties may , contrarily , indicate a reduction in accident opportunity , as parents have removed their children from the street because the environment has become more dangerous , not less .
29 On the few occasions when parents have taken their grievances over sex discrimination to the courts , the question has concerned school admissions and single-sex schooling , which was discussed in Chapter 4 in the context of parental choice .
30 The two health authorities covering these areas have launched their versions of the Patient 's Charter .
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