Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [verb] [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 Clubs intend to chart course for the future
2 Their heads have decorated pikes for the common cry of curs to snap and growl at . ’
3 Ms Stacey said : ‘ It is a national pastime and the islanders have to take responsibility for the slaughter .
4 Various authors have suggested reasons for the building of expensive new homes .
5 The Fundació 's maintenance costs eat up the lion 's share of government subsidy , and as the programme is expanded the directors hope to cultivate funds for the exhibition and education programmes from sponsorship and patronage .
6 It should be stressed at the outset that maintaining that large companies are social enterprises involves no necessary finding that the root principle beneath the current rules of company law , that companies exist to make profits for the benefit of shareholders , is unsatisfactory .
7 I know that Jim Miller 's parents have hired protection for the time being , until they decide they 're safe from reprisals .
8 The West has only recently been allowed to see into Russian orphanages , as English charities have provided food for the children there .
9 The investments and effort of the past few years have paid dividends for the Belfast Telegraph says managing director Bob Crane — resulting in higher circulation and major newspaper awards .
10 He should take no thought for the morrow , and should bear in mind that possessions imply making provision for the future .
11 ‘ We are going to find even more road traffic in the area when lorries start carrying hardcore for the A1 motorway work .
12 Also , because penalties in the UK , as opposed to the EC , have never been severe , firms have had contempt for the legislation .
13 Business studies have taken precedence for the 25-year-old Stokesley sprinter thus far into the season , but she steps belatedly on to the Olympic trail at Stanley Park on Sunday .
14 The partners expect to complete networks for the vast majority of Time Warner 's clustered cable systems by 1998 and will share equally in the design , implementation and direction of the full-service networks .
15 Since the advent of treatment with bran , fewer patients have required surgery for the complications of diverticular disease .
16 The materials go to raise money for the Guide Dogs For The Blind Association , Breast Cancer Research and PTA funds .
17 Councillors have suspended plans for the hostel until a meeting can be held .
18 In recent years , some newspapers have become vehicles for the pursuit of certain positions and ideologies and consequently less open to their ideological opponents .
19 In Scotland , where such initiatives have been centrally funded by the Scottish Office , many hospitals have introduced phlebotomists for the first time .
20 Last winter 's storm damage pay outs have battered profits for the big insurance companies , and that threatens to push up house cover premiums .
21 Others have become examiners for the Institute of Linguists .
22 Last winter 's storm damage pay-outs have battered profits for the big insurance companies , threatening to push up house cover premiums ; half-year profits for Sun Alliance show the firm £190,000,000 in the red , compared with 191,000,000 in profit at the same time last year .
23 Generous French hosts have planned celebrations for the Merseyside teams taking part including TWO wine tasting tours , a reception and a pre-Challenge Party .
24 The portfolio would stay in Russia until authorities have given permission for the pictures to be exported .
25 The Americans and Germans have provided aid for the modernisation of electrical plant but the question of who will pay the multi-million dollar bill for Egyspt to produce cleaner cars is unananswered .
26 Unionist politicians have re-iterated calls for the re-introduction of internment and for tighter security measures — including the sealing of the border .
27 THOUGH happily appreciative of the Diary , several of your election limericks have incorporated pleas for the return of our other columns .
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