Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [vb -s] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( 4 ) The purpose of the subsection is to make it clear that the extension of the permitted hours only applies to the part of the premises set apart for the consumption of main meals by a person having a table meal there .
2 An ambivalence to assessment in Catholic schools rightly stems from the view that religious education in its entirety can not be submitted to formal and sharply focussed testing because of its very nature and its concern with personal faith and commitment .
3 Most of the evidence we find for full-time craftsmen nevertheless comes from the temples of the Middle and Late Minoan periods , so we should see the main period of craft industries as belonging to an urban society and in particular to the temples within that urban society .
4 The third difference between the colleges , the universities and the polytechnics probably arises from the existence of formal programmes in the colleges and the lack of them in universities and polytechnics .
5 Red Water Arts also draws upon the expertise of other professionals who work with us on a freelance basis .
6 The agreement between the two ministries also provides for the care of cultural objects and monuments that belong to the other but can not be moved .
7 No , this collection of guitar-fired pop songs definitely belongs to the vegetable kingdom .
8 It 's a constant threat of danger and after debrief which takes place in the police station , erm relaxation is necessary erm , we have the availability of er stress counselling as well and a period of about two hours normally elapses before the officers is er reasonably able to er function as a normal police officer again and because of this er it has been decided that the officer 's duties for that day er will be terminated .
9 As time passes and the prospects of development concentrate and mature in particular places , the gap which in many cases already exists between the amount of the claim and the amount of the development charge will grow wider .
10 Winning Soling regattas with a match racing component had given these two Olympic gold medallists enough points in the rankings table to be invited to Auckland .
11 Usually ministers are formally answerable to Parliament only for discharging their own responsibilities relating to sponsored bodies ( such as in terms of broad policy and general oversight ) , while responsibility for efficiency and day-to-day matters normally rests with the organizations ' own management .
12 The splendid open aspect in all directions probably accounts for the building of Britain 's highest Iron Age hill fort whose ramparts encircled the plateau .
13 This process is not of concern to archaeologists alone : the destruction of archaeological sites often coincides with the destruction of wildlife habitats and changes in the environment .
14 None of these texts actually deals with the question what action becomes available as a result .
15 Its efficacy in providing adequate controls over the directors therefore depends on the shareholders performing this task .
16 Callinicos mordantly comments on the descent ‘ from revolutionary groupuscule to single-issue campaigns and then to social democracy ’ .
17 One of his sons still works in the packing department at the mill — now owned by .
18 But then , about one year in six , some fortunate swirl in the currents brings them back to the island where they first fell into the water a month earlier and at a high tide in December , a horde of tiny crablets no bigger than ants suddenly emerges from the waves and marches valiantly up the beach and on inland to restock the forest .
19 The need for oil export revenues thus varies among the member states and influences the attitude of individual OPEC members on the cartel 's oil output and price policies .
20 At the national level , the degree of security provided for firms and individuals usually derives from the government 's maintenance of law , order and increasingly regulatory behaviour .
21 The prejudice which used to operate against all the popular classes still exists against the peasants .
22 A weekend tour to Scotland ten days later leads in the County Championship season , all indicative of the care devoted by counties to finding , grooming and coaching talented young players .
23 In the Pastoral Epistles the noun presbyters often appears in the plural , bishop in the singular , suggesting that one man was beginning to have a special position in both worship and charitable administration .
24 The combustion of fossil fuels also results in the pollution of the atmosphere .
25 To keep costs down ( by cutting pumping costs ) , the plans also provides for the construction of a large reservoir to capture rainwater .
26 This increased expenditure upon the older age groups probably arises from the inter-relationship of several factors including : price inflation in health care ; population change ; the increased use of health services .
27 These concern : the subject ; the issue of how critical resistance to dominant codes ever develops in the absence of an adequate conception of the subject ; and , perhaps most fundamentally , the traditional problem facing any philosophy seeking to reduce knowledge to interests tout court , of using rational argument to prove the limits on rationality .
28 The difference between experiments also interacts with the film seen for both odd , F(23,966)=2.35 , p<0.01 and even numbered junctions , F(23,966)=2.13 , p<0.01 .
29 Whether the irregularities required to account for stars and galaxies would have led to the formation of a significant number of " primordial " black holes clearly depends on the details of the conditions in the early universe .
30 They still try to despatch the bad balls and the safety of quick singles often depends on the inability of the converging fieldsmen to make a direct hit on the stumps .
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