Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] which [pers pn] will [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 This may take several hours during which she will lay small groups of eggs , which the male fertilises and covers with more bubbles .
2 Some , such as the Green Iguana from Central and northern South America , are largely vegetarian and diurnal , basking on branches over waterways from which they will dive if predators threaten .
3 The mist obscures their support crews and steals blankly between the men and the homes in which they will sleep .
4 She has been feeding intensively in the neighbourhood , building up in her body the reserves from which she will produce her eggs .
5 Each member of her family and each of her close friends will have different strengths upon which she will need to draw , and together you should try to form a bridge over which she can gradually cross from the barren wasteland of her sorrow back into society where her new role awaits her .
6 They build criteria for studying approaches to supporting the children in reading in the schools in which they will work .
7 LASMO has sold its entire interest in 14 blocks , and part interests in three further blocks in which it will retain operatorship .
8 The Faculty will normally only register for the LL.M. degree those candidates who possess a prior degree in law although there are exceptional circumstances in which it will vary this requirement .
9 Concern about death and the circumstances in which it will occur increases the shift of focus to security goals .
10 However , there are some matters on which we will seek clarification or assurance .
11 The local authority , the Croydon London Borough Council , had applied to the justices in circumstances to which I will refer for an interim care order .
12 He has his failing however , I am sorry to say , the particulars of which I will explain when we meet .
13 One of the reasons for writing so much about growing your own plants is that not all flowers and foliage suitable for pressing are available from florists , which can considerably limit the palette of colours from which you will work .
14 A course available specifically designed for their needs at which they will meet others of their own age is an added incentive .
15 And I think you can rest assured that the quality systems will be the foundations onto which we will build any changes which are identified as being necessary , as part of next week 's get-together .
16 To realize the full potential of his land a farmer must enlist the support of many allies by providing conditions in which they will thrive .
17 The sender now faces the receivers so that he can see their reactions and they are allowed to ask questions to which he will reply .
18 Instead they will be made up of a small professional core supplemented by part-timers plus a number of small firms to which they will contract out work .
19 and invite the hearer to an exchange of views in which he will agree with him or otherwise in belief or attitude .
20 My plan , the details of which I will announce shortly , does just that . "
21 At some point or other the student of local history will encounter dates expressed in a variety of different ways with which he will have to become familiar .
22 However , this begs many questions about the ways in which they will respond and some of these issues will be identified later .
23 All we can do is shape the means by which they approach us and the terms on which they will live with us in the time to come , that we may keep our honour and our identity , and be their free neighbours and allies , not their villeins .
24 Since 1981 , the Bank no longer continuously ‘ posts ’ or announces the terms on which it will deal in bills .
25 What has to be recognized , though , is that to a large extent , consumers select the stimuli to which they will respond .
26 There are two main uses to which we will put these concepts .
27 His wisdom and strategic vision laid the solid foundations on which we will continue to build .
28 Found local Handbook of Voluntary Organizations and Community Groups to which I will send begging letters .
29 A charcuterie in Aurillac or Vic-sur-Cère or some other small but locally important town will possibly provide a pâté the like of which you never tasted before , or a locally cured ham , a few slices of which you will buy and carry away with a salad , a kilo of peaches , a bottle of Monbazillac and a baton of bread , and somewhere on a hillside amid the mile upon mile of golden broom or close to a splashing waterfall you will have , just for once , the ideal picnic .
30 After ensuring the quality of your pressed flowers and foliage , the next priority is to check that the standard of materials with which you will surround your picture is equally high .
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