Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] which [pron] may [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time , it has permitted the formation of a more precise theory of relationships from which we may deduce evolutionary pathways .
2 Some schools will stipulate a number of Shakespearean speeches from which you may select , but in the main the choice of work is left entirely to you .
3 He may receive suggestions from the parties on which they may agree and which he can adopt .
4 This , of course , is easier than finding provable hypotheses for which we may expect evidence within the earth 's crust .
5 Cultural items are torn from their natural social context and lumped together , in the most arbitrary fashion , with similarly uprooted , and hence distorted , elements with which they may have no necessary connection .
6 The movement is one to be welcomed if it proceeds along the right lines , the lines along which it may develop and not hamper national life .
7 This is a series of sentences or utterances in the student 's own words about any experiences in which he may have engaged ; useful for reading for beginners ( Finocchiaro 1968 ) .
8 Major banks and building societies have found that establishing offshore branches gives them far greater scope to offer accounts that pay interest gross ; within the UK the circumstances in which they may do this are very limited .
9 Not least the new abilities by which we may see human existence anew — relativistically , that is , each person imprisoned in his own umwelt , his own conceptual universe . ’
10 There are difficult conditions in which it is possible to race honourably ; there are absurd conditions in which one may race honourably if slowly ; and there are conditions in which it is impossible to race .
11 If objectives from the higher categories of Bloom 's taxonomy are included , where students are asked to make judgements , to criticise and evaluate ; and if students are given a range of objectives from which they may make their own choices and even , at the later stages of training , are encouraged to write their own , then this will go a long way to meeting this criticism .
12 There are many possible ways in which one may incur tortious liability through the instrumentality of an animal under one 's control , but the fact that the agent happens to be animate rather than inanimate is immaterial , for while the common law , like other legal systems , developed special or additional rules of liability for animals , it did not deny the applicability to them of the general law .
13 But in his theoretical essays he gives some interesting indications of the ways in which they may contribute to a poem 's effect .
14 This factsheet can only suggest some of the ways in which they may help you .
15 These are some of the ways in which we may expect the Spirit of God to illuminate not only the person of God but his will for us .
16 In this chapter , I shall attempt to separate the parts that make up the whole , then to explore some of the ways in which we may bring about harmony to mind-body-spirit .
17 This is achieved by sound nutrition , adequate exercise , fresh air and sunshine , and above all , by seeking the ways in which we may find inner contentment .
18 In these two offices all your rights , and those of your elderly parent , to State benefits , pensions and special concessions and allowances can be explained , as well as ways in which you may apply for grants and other forms of help in some circumstances from various voluntary organisations .
19 The idea of ‘ subjective meaning ’ is a loose one , covering all ways in which someone may act deliberately or expressively and excluding only reflex actions .
20 This discussion of pedagogical grammars will help you in any of the following four typical situations in which you may find yourself : a .
21 Even when the referential locus of noun and adjective are the same , however , there is no general guarantee that the overall " output " , in terms of intensional entities ( and the real or potential referents to which they may correspond ) will be the same under these two ways of linking an adjective to a noun , which amount respectively to introducing a subject x identified in part through having the property F , and to introducing a subject x and saying that it has the property F. For instance , if we move from the predicative structure : ( 7 ) clouds are small to the phrase small clouds , we pass to an expression which identifies a certain group of entities but does nothing more than identify them ; whereas expression ( 7 ) identifies a quite different ( and much larger ) group of entities , and says something about them ( which , as it happens , is not true , even though small clouds certainly do exist ) .
22 It also may have answered a few queries over which he may have pondered in his youth and then discarded to the rear of his mind for later consideration .
23 There are generally two possible valid interests on which he may rely ; special trade connections and business secrets .
24 Schools , polytechnics and universities all have magazines and newspapers on which you may gain actual experience while still a student .
25 Our calendar below lists some of the more important events and public holidays around which you may wish to plan your trip .
26 For a new SPR which is not being based on an existing SPR , LIFESPAN will provide four fields in which you may make an entry if required , as described below ; it is recommended that they are completed as they provide some useful basic information .
27 Reiterating their support for Greek autonomy , they declared that , if the Turks did not accept international mediation within a month , they would enter into commercial relations with the Greeks and " determine the ulterior measures to which it may become necessary to resort " .
28 There are a number of other practical points to which you may wish to pay attention .
29 ‘ My life with Gary and my mother and her occult friends has enabled me to pick out the symptoms by which we may recognise those who are involved in the occult .
30 This means that , before you begin to think about colours and the names of varieties , you have to be clear about what you would like to do and what it is possible to do , perhaps planting kinds and types about which you may have heard but are not familiar with and which would add variation and interest to your garden .
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