Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] the same [noun] [be] " in BNC.

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1 On the examinations front , those publishers who had left undone titles for certain examinations are now doing them , while those who had already produced titles for the same examinations are producing more .
2 Being a property tax — there is not now any contention between the two main parties about that — we can either tax the kind of house and say , for example , that all three-bedroom properties shall be taxed the same , in which case my hon. Friends should be aware that we would soon have tremendous anomalies as the same tax is placed on a Mayfair flat as is put on a flat in a mining village , or we can have regional banding , and then there must be boundaries between regions .
3 Whilst it is true that disadvantages arise from different aspects of the same dispute being adjudicated upon by different courts , it must be pointed out , on the one hand , that a plaintiff is always entitled to bring his action in its entirety before the courts for the domicile of the defendant and , on the other , that article 22 of the Convention allows the first court seised , in certain circumstances , to hear the case in its entirety provided that there is a connection between the actions brought before the different courts .
4 Most artefacts are either the product of mass production , in which case they are identical to all others items produced by the same process , or else are intended as equal copies of a normative cultural notion , in which case , for example , all spears of the same type are intended to look alike .
5 Upper and lower case variables of the same name are different .
6 This code string can also be reduced , so only the changes are noted , sequences of the same code are reduced to a single code .
7 The number of staff and clients within the same room was also recorded every five minutes , in order to examine the impact of staff ratio on client experience .
8 Three shops in the same town were targetted overnight .
9 In Figures 10 and 11 , below , the number of items requested within each fifteen-minute period on weekdays and on Saturdays is plotted against a scale on the left , while the mean delivery time for items supplied direct to readers within the same periods is plotted against a scale on the right .
10 The server software for a system based on an ICL Series 39 DX 130/10 is £2,800 ; clients on the same kit are from £2,100 .
11 Occasionally the inner and outer cases of the same watch were made of silver of different standards .
12 The conventional wisdom on isotopes of the same element is that they can a distinguished only in two ways : by the different masses of the nuclei , and by subtle differences in the way they absorb and emit light of specific wavelengths .
13 This is especially true if a piece of evidence with a very strong and obvious bias is used , or if two contrasting views of the same event are chosen and the pupils encouraged to compare the two .
14 One method is to use ‘ inversions ’ of quartal chords , so that notes of the same chord are used in different registers .
15 Yet at the same time local officers and shop stewards of the same unions were finding themselves party to local , enterprise-level agreements setting the terms under which temporary workers could for the first time be used , or under which their use could be expanded .
16 When two blocks of the same polymer are brought together and held at a temperature just above the T g for a time t , interdiffusion of the chains takes place from each block across the interface ( see figure 12.6 ) thereby joining the blocks together .
17 Another central element in Braverman 's thesis is that management , in order to achieve their objective of tight control over labour , not only fragment jobs horizontally — in the sense that different physical elements of the same task are split off from each other to be done by separate individuals — but fragment jobs vertically , as well .
18 Criticisms of the same kind were also to be made by such as Philippe de Mézières , whose long reflective work on the state of French society , the Songe du vieil pèlerin , was written towards the end of the fourteenth century .
19 A quicker way of filling in large areas with the same colour is to lock the cursor on to a colour .
20 A sequence of six lines with the same rhyme are given to Dame Sirith as , initially , she professes her conventional goodness and innocence to Wilekin : ( " I am a holy woman ; I know nothing of witchcraft but with almsgiving to good men I sustain my life each day , and offer my paternoster and my creed that God should help those in their need who help me my life to lead and should grant that all should go well with them … )
21 If men from different lineages in the same section were in dispute , their lineage shaikhs would meet as representatives of the two groups and try to bring the affair to a conclusion ; they could , if necessary , collect compensation from their members and receive it on their behalf .
22 Wine imports over the same period were reduced by just over 40 per cent .
23 What I failed to realise was that to those who never walk up mountains , visiting the bank , the post office and the dry cleaners on the same day is considered a triathlon .
24 This has resulted in different messages about the same issue being given to clients of the health services , e.g. ORS : in Kangwane Banstustan they teach mothers to use one litre of water , six teaspoons of sugar and one teaspoon of salt to prepare the Oral Rehydration Solution ( ORS ) whilst their neighbours , Gazankulu and Lebowa have different methods .
25 The only other countries in Western Europe which were able to achieve reductions of the same magnitude were those where the nuclear share of electricity were 50 per cent or more .
26 The Sleeping Saloons of the same era were of the same dimensions and weighed about 40 tons .
27 The kinds of deposits that are produced by the submarine and surface phases of the same eruption are also quite different , as we shall see .
28 The Federal Assembly had accepted a compromise only on March 29 , whereby different versions of the same title were to be used in the Czech Lands and in Slovakia [ see p. 37326 ] .
29 The doctor who attended him , Guillaume de Harselly , was evidently experienced in cases of mental illness , and warned the royal counsellors that other attacks of the same kind were to be expected .
30 All individuals of the same species are not identical .
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