Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The " Out " tray held two manila files , the top labelled " Chapel — Proposals for transfer to Department of the Environment , and the second , a large , old and unwieldy file which had been much mended , was marked " New Laboratory — Commissioning " .
2 Try the early summer flowering B. alternifolia , its shoots wreathed with clusters of pale purple flowers , and August flowering B. davidii , with tapering heads of white to purple at its stem tips .
3 There are , however , a number of formal and , more importantly , informal channels of communication to government about the mood of the House .
4 The usual order is judgment for arrears of rent to date of termination of the tenancy , and for mesne profits to date of hearing and thereafter mesne profits at a daily rate and ( almost invariably calculated by reference to the rent ) from the date of hearing until actual possession is given up .
5 The Commission issues guidelines from time to time on its views on appreciability .
6 However , it makes sense to keep the variations of lighting within reasonable bounds from shot to shot by shooting your scenes in groups which are consistently lit .
7 The Council 's initiative to set up a multi-professional group to address the borough 's drugs problem was well conceived for it allowed , for the first time , the information and concerns picked up by various parties in relation to heroin to be pulled together .
8 OWNERS of unregistered dangerous dogs are moving their pets from house to house in a bid to prevent the animals being seized by the police , it has been revealed .
9 The political pressures of comprehensive reorganisation of secondary education in Britain , combined with increasing recognition of multilingualism in British schools in response to migration into the UK , led to greater sensitivity to the facts of multi- dialectalism and language variety .
10 The section provides that the Secretary of State may make provisions by regulations in relation to revised accounts and reports which , in particular , may : — make different provisions according to whether the previous documents are replaced or merely supplemented by a statement of corrections ; deal with the functions of the auditors ; require the directors to take specified steps in relation to circulation to members and others entitled under section 238 ; laying before a general meeting and delivery to the Registrar ; and the application of provisions of the Act ( including penalties ) .
11 Be that as it may , the judges assumed this duty in 1292 and there are dicta from time to time in the succeeding centuries that it is one they have no power to give up .
12 In the semi-darkness the houses around the village and the church in the centre of the green stood out like monuments with their shadows changing their shapes from time to time as a cloud obscured part of the moon .
13 The plasma CCK concentrations in response to infusion of graded doses of CCK-33 were not significantly different between the three experiments .
14 That is , cinematic signification , especially in the age of high technology and 30-million-dollar film , comes closer than other forms of signification to resemblance of reality .
15 While discussion of a corporate information system is as yet largely speculative , our experience of the Payroll/Personnel database system over the last three years has given rise to various working hypotheses of relevance to management in general and the personnel function in particular .
16 By now there were fewer paeans of praise to fecundity in the magazines ; instead they were asking ‘ Why Young Mothers Feel Trapped ’ ( Redbook ) or , with more than a hint of desperation , offering ‘ 58 Ways To Make Your Marriage More Exciting ’ ( Newsweek ) , Graduate wives complained bitterly , especially in the Guardian , of living like cabbages .
17 Thus irreducible elements are seen to be the fundamental building blocks with respect to multiplication for the system Z.
18 It is an etiquette in which the participants tacitly assume that there are reciprocal obligations with respect to right of way , freedom from inquisitive glances and capricious encroachments upon privacy .
19 The order of genes in these transfer vectors was the same as the order of cloning sites from left to right in pAcAB3 and pAcAB4 ( Figure 1 ) .
20 The sun was low in the sky now , shimmering the mud flats in a golden glow — and there were the graceful avocets , sweeping long curved bills from side to side through the fine silt , scooping up their favourite opossum shrimps and rag worms : a marvellous sight .
21 The tour will show you the whole manufacturing process by following the progress of a pair of shoes from start to finish around the factory .
22 Alf and Bessie lived in Cricklewood , and would receive visits from time to time from Bessie 's sister Minnie who , having worked alongside her father at Curry Rivel School for a while , later became headmistress of a similar but smaller establishment in Newton St Loe , Somerset .
23 Clearly devolving responsibility for delivering the service locally by pushing such responsibility as far down the hierarchy to the point of delivery as is reasonably possible , and by ensuring that the local manager is placed in a hierarchy of managers , all with closely defined job descriptions from top to bottom of the organization
24 In Sheffield a small , interconnected group of industrialists dominated football , passing down their directorships from father to son like family property .
25 The symbolic reproduces this imaginary in discrete , regulated entities — small , discontinuous , easily consumable like the bits of information on a computer screen , like the items in the supermarket , like the small , framed and mirrored segments of the glass-skinned skyscrapers that offer us gleaming reflections of our lives from moment to moment in the high-income , high-tech regions of the American urban environment .
26 Reportedly Univel has already lined up at least 70-plus companies to port to Destiny including WordPerfect , Oracle , Borland , Gupta , Lotus , 3Com , Ingres , Hyperdesk , Sybase , Informix , Frame , Applix and Island Graphics .
27 The median years for return to work for the next cohort , who had their first birth between 1975 and 1979 , is estimated to be only 3.7 years .
28 In this experiment , which used the same general procedures as those employed by Hall and Channell ( 1985 b ) , rats received 16 days of pre-exposure to presentation of a light , enough for their tendency to orient to habituate .
29 Meantime , the important principle which emerges is that the network measure is concerned with an underlying variable of integration to a social group ; hence , selection of indicators is motivated by the need to characterize in a principled way differences between individuals with respect to degree of integration .
30 The Gulf crisis caused revenues from tourism to fall by 65 per cent ( official estimate ) by December and dues from the Suez canal were down by 25 per cent compared with 1989 .
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