Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [adj] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 My plans for 1992-93 provide for an overall increase in my education programme of some 15 per cent .
2 The most sensitive eyes of all belong to a deep-sea crustacean called Gigantocypris , which manages an incredible f-0.25 .
3 A successful team blends these different roles together so that the strengths of one compensate for the weaknesses of another .
4 Make no mistake , organizations like this exist in every trade and every setting , be it Yes , Minister or The Corridors of Power , be it in retailing , finance or manufacturing .
5 Ingredients like these add to the promotion of this type of package deal .
6 The Chicken Plucker is a starting point because everybody loved Letter To Brezhnev , and some of the favourite lines from that appear in the show . ’
7 Over the past few years we have been working on such an account , and in this paper we focus on the implications of this account for a central tenet of the mental models approach : that the mental model of the text so far provides ( part of the context for the interpretation of the current sentence or clause .
8 It is clear from previous discussion that voluntary CAB workers in particular come into the organisation with the preconceived idea that interviewing clients will be their task .
9 Our feelings about this depend on the concept of equity .
10 Perhaps the most astonishing changes of all occur for the average changes for Shire Districts within each County .
11 I mean , cotton and things like this come from the Third World , does n't it .
12 Problems like these arise from a lack of imagination in house management , but it must be acknowledged that the drinking public behaves in a very inflexible way and fails to adapt to the qualities of different buildings .
13 Often the file formats for hand scanners in particular depend on the program , and can be obscure — it 's not often , for instance , that you see a PCC or CUT file these days , yet some scanners still provide files in those formats .
14 The eighty six million pounds I am providing for care in the community is an increase of almost fifty million pounds on nineteen build on the introduction of the service in ninety three , ninety four year .
15 Prospects for 1993 depend on an early go-ahead for the Jubilee Line and an increase in the number of prospects in the water sector .
16 If the court or the arbitrator should find against the validity of the expulsion , the injured partner should as a matter of common sense be given the opportunity of retiring from the firm on short notice : relations with those party to an attempt to expel him could scarcely be expected to remain harmonious .
17 The vestiges of this remain in the legal requirement that spouses should support each other financially .
18 Well I keep sending these coupons off that come through the door
19 The relative amounts of each depend on a number of factors of which the most important are pH and temperature .
20 From the available information , we can not tell how many of the 1160 deaths in 1986 belong to the 1946 cohort so we can only estimate it to be 1160÷2 = 580 and assume that another 580 of the 1946 cohort will die in 1987 .
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