Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] [prep] this time " in BNC.

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1 It is impossible to say whether the younger Eratosthenes ( F.Gr.H. no. 745 Jacoby ) who wrote his books on Gaul about this time , 150 B.C. , had been encouraged by the Romans .
2 A major issue to be explored is why social disruption failed to stimulate unrest in lowland Scotland unlike other areas of Britain at this time .
3 Alone of the countries of Europe during this time England presented a more or less single , unified group .
4 The holly , being the sort of holly that is sold on street corners in London at this time of year , must have cost a fortune and it did n't have berries on .
5 Theirs was one of the few ale-only breweries in London at this time , most of the others producing huge amounts of porter for a voraciously thirsty market .
6 But there is not much other evidence of dishonest dealing by judges in Chancery at this time .
7 This study investigates the needs of women at this time and examines the support which they receive from family and friends as well as that from health professionals in hospital and in the community .
8 Literary celebrations of nature at this time invariably referred to cultivated , pastoral landscapes ( Serpell , 1986 ) .
9 Lozenge patterns and grids of panels are the main constituents of design at this time ; however , within these general categories one " can discern a group of mosaics which feature grids of octagonal panels ( predominantly a phenomenon of western England ) and a group which features squares and rectangles , in a nine-panel arrangement ( predominantly an phenomenon of eastern England ) .
10 As we were a few days behind schedule by this time I decided to press on while the weather held and the following morning saw us off Montrose with an ominous early shipping forecast of a southerly gale .
11 Now that means that at the peak , the Communist Party has a working class membership of something like thirty thousand plus , which is one in every hundred industrial workers in China at this time .
12 There were around forty exhorters in England by this time , so their growth does seem to have been especially marked in Cornwall .
13 But memories of Ken at this time still tend to revolve more around the fun .
14 We fully accept that there have been changes in technique during this time , as described earlier , and as table 1 shows , in all sutured ileoanal anastomosis some form of mucosectomy was performed .
15 Such was the speed of the changes in Japan at this time that it is easy to draw a somewhat misleading impression of unilinear progress , a clearly conceived plan of action from the beginning , logically carried out step by step .
16 After some 20 months I was able to take a trade test and become a Leading Aircraftsman getting nearly £2 a week , One of the notorious figures at Cranwell at this time was Aircraftsman Shaw ( the legendary Col T.E .
17 In the building accounts of the Queen 's College , Oxford , Townesend is referred to as ‘ architecto ’ whereas his father , who had worked there previously , was described as ‘ lapicidae ’ , a distinction which reflects the fact that , like others of his kind , he was certainly able to design as well as to build ; but the extent to which he did so unaided is not entirely clear , many of the projects in Oxford at this time evidently being the work of more than one mind .
18 English rolls of arms at this time contain a considerable number of coats borne by ‘ foreign ’ knights especially from northern France , the Low Countries and the Franco-imperial borderlands .
19 Irritability , tension and depression rank as the most severe symptoms , and half admit to having more arguments at home during this time .
20 William of Malmesbury , who was collecting material for his histories at Canterbury at this time , put the news of their discovery into his Gesta Regum , and inserted the complete texts under the year 1072 into his slightly later Gesta Pontificum .
21 There are substantial social and geographical differences in mortality at this time .
22 There were two other bishops in Wales at this time , at Llandaff and St Davids : both of them were Welshmen , and both adhered to the customs of the Celtic Church .
23 He was also aware that homosexuals in Britain at this time not only lived under the threat of illegality but were also regarded by many as deeply offensive .
24 Two main points about Britain at this time : the science unions were putting pressure on the government to shift economic policies from an industrial to a scientific base , and the health service was on the point of collapse .
25 The latter cycle takes about 10 days to complete , and successful transmission demands that female mosquitoes survive and take at least two feeds of blood during this time .
26 If we bear in mind that even the normal expenses of government by this time exceeded the normal income of the crown , we shall appreciate why Edward I sought to extract from his subjects more than any previous king had attempted .
27 D'Arquebus wrinkled his nose , whether disapproving of Juron 's lapses of grammar in this time of stress , or simply of involving others on this enterprise , who could say ?
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