Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Before examining conflicting views about priorities within the four main activities within English — literature , creativity , discrimination , and classroom talk — it is useful to consider the term ‘ political ’ in reference to definitions currently being made by leading figures concerned with English in schools .
2 Such was the powerful rhetoric of Grimm and Jean-Jacques Rousseau that the very conducting habits in Paris which they denigrated in the mid-18th century seem to have affected all views about practice during the following decades .
3 Note : Through an omission on my part the editors did not receive these notes for inclusion in the last Journal .
4 The Japan Times of Jan. 8 , 1990 , reported that , notwithstanding political advances towards the LDP by Komeito , Komeito and the DSP had agreed to increase co-operation in advance of the elections and to make the " utmost effort " to facilitate meetings and discussions between leaders of the four non-communist opposition parties .
5 Arrangements were made for regular ‘ round table ’ discussions between representatives of the relevant Committees in both Research Councils , for the regular exchange of information about research planned , commissioned or completed and for continued co-operation where appropriate .
6 It is issued in the form of a Memorandum of Guidance , and follows discussions between representatives of the Scottish Office , the Faculty of Advocates , this Society and the Scottish Committee of the Council of Tribunals .
7 The Birmingham Feminist History Group ( 1979 ) have argued that although notions of women 's equality were important in the 1950s , nevertheless : ‘ Ideologies about women in the fifties are underpinned by the notion of equal but different — men and women have their special spheres ; and women bring different qualities ’ ( p. 150 ) .
8 The volumes published so far now bear the collective imprint of Lund Humphries ( the publishers of Moore 's catalogue ) , who provide three handsome slipcases for purchasers of the complete set : but the enterprise is by no means finished , as work continues to pour out of Caro 's Camden Town studio .
9 For those who do not want a federal future for this country there are many reasons for concern in the Prime Minister 's statement on the treaty of union .
10 Reasons for referral in the 268 first referrals were : dysphagia 50.4% , non-cardiac chest pain 23.1% , gastro-oesophageal reflux disease 14.2% , connective tissue disease 11.2% , and ‘ other ’ 1.1% .
11 I will not now detail the reasons for failure with the first three women — we lost some seven selected conceptions — but go straight to the one with whom we succeeded .
12 Any disagreements between members of the two Houses and the official records are carefully looked into and such is the integrity of the record that any attempt to alter it , except for errors , would undoubtedly result in a national scandal .
13 There are disagreements between councillors of the same party just as there are disagreements between those of opposing parties .
14 For instance , hydrogen-bond formation in liquid water lowers the OH stretching frequencies by several hundred cm -1 , and it would be quite unrealistic to use the liquid water frequencies as characteristic of the isolated triatomic molecule .
15 The effects of the famine , which follows two years of drought , have been exacerbated by the non-arrival of foreign aid and fighting between clans for control of the southern provinces .
16 The loss of such personnel through closure of the local school will be correspondingly profound .
17 Plessey plc was the eighth most important corporation in Table 5.7 , and continued to consolidate its activities through mergers in the 1980s before themselves falling prey to takeover activity in 1989 .
18 Many of the medical supporters of the legislation had a history of involvement in hospital and sanitary work among the poor , as local medical officers and poor law doctors — work which reinforced their commitment to the acts as part of the wider politics of public health .
19 As well as candles , the company provided stoves and lanterns for troops in the Crimean war , Rangoon oil for lubricating rifles , and the Motorine oil which Rolls-Royce used when it won the Isle of Man TT race in 1906 .
20 In many Orgel and Tanabe-Sugano diagrams the lines are curved , because of interactions between states of the same symmetry .
21 The essentially Darwinian forces of struggle for existence , involving competitive interactions between members of the same species and between different species , played a negligible part in the interpretation of natural vegetation .
22 It certainly sees urban concentrations as resulting from industrialisation and capitalism : but it rapidly places these considerations to one side and looks to interactions between people as the prime explanation .
23 In such circumstances it is natural that Ministers should want to implement without undue delay policies for changes in the legal framework of the criminal law and for dealing with offenders which they may have espoused before coming to power .
24 To date , six vehicles have been converted ( five buses and one trailer ) as mobile teaching/exhibition units each providing a programme of ‘ hands on ’ technological activities for girls in the 13–14 age range .
25 In reality , it is a mobile teaching and exhibition unit with seven hands-on work stations providing a range of technological activities for girls in the 13–14 age range .
26 Half-day training courses were also given to our telephone operators as part of the long term aim at increasing our effectiveness in the use of the telephone .
27 They scooped all three national contests for companies in the Ceramic Industries Golf Societies Association .
28 The government disclosed its plans for WCY on the last day of January simultaneously in London and six cities , courtesy of British Telecom 's £200 an hour Confravision service .
29 HSS Hire Shops has 170 branches throughout the UK , and there are plans for expansion in the coming year .
30 Plans for broadcasting in the First Five Year Plan included the setting up of community listening points , the building of regional and satellite stations , the replacement of transmitters and the provision of a tape transcription service for the better preservation and use of recorded material at Broadcasting House .
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