Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The vegetables most commonly grown in the garden were also grown in the fields : these were the bean and the pea , the basic ingredients in most medieval peasant recipes .
2 But experience shows that language — and , particularly , language adopted or concurred in under the pressure of a tight Parliamentary timetable — is not always a reliable vehicle for the complete or accurate translation of legislative intention ; and I have been persuaded , for the reasons so cogently deployed in the speech of my noble and learned friend , that the circumstances of this case demonstrate that there is both the room and the necessity for a limited relaxation of the previously well-settled rule which excludes reference to Parliamentary history as an aid to statutory construction .
3 Other old foundations which were for locational or other reasons less well suited to the changing situation , stagnated or declined .
4 Old tattered flags hung from the ceiling , their patterns long since faded into the air .
5 The committee of inquiry , composed of individuals with impressive antiracist credentials — Ian Macdonald , Gus John , Reena Bhavnani , Lily Khan — delivered a strong and , for some , an astonishing condemnation of the antiracist policies apparently vigorously pursued at the school , castigating them as doctrinaire , divisive , ineffectual and counterproductive .
6 If artists have to address the fact that AIDS-sufferers shuffle off this mortal coil faster than most of the rest of humanity , perhaps the arts most closely linked to the body can express the idea best .
7 The doubts most clearly arose over the question of Idi Amin 's expulsion of the Ugandan Asians in the summer of 1972 .
8 The filthy colonial military compounds so recently evacuated by the British and French provided convenient quarters for those who were now destined to spend most of their lives in exile , even though neither they nor their unwilling Lebanese hosts yet knew that they would have to do so .
9 This was the actuality of the pretty designs so liberally provided by the cottage enthusiasts of the time .
10 Her hands were cold and wet with rain , her eyes less well adjusted to the darkness than his .
11 The final disc contains the ineffably beautiful Rückert-Lieder from the Lied von der Erde sessions somewhat uncomfortably married to the early Brahms recordings — the two songs with viola , Vier ernste Gesänge , and the Alto Rhapsody .
12 In the ten books so far published about the fortunes of Jack Aubrey there is a remarkable absence of hindsight .
13 Performance in the luggage and perfume sectors only partially compensated for the recession in the wines and spirits business , and LVMH 's share of Guinness ' exceptional charge has also affected its profits .
14 Following the appointment of Oliver Cromwell as Lord Protector in 1653 , religious considerations once more came to the fore , although whether they ever took precedence over the more secular impulses behind foreign policy is doubtful .
15 Purveyors of perfumes , porcelain and other expensive wares were more than happy to oblige yuppies and other brazen consumers willing to pay lavish prices for labels once only sported by the elite .
16 Several share KPMG 's view that ‘ the responsibility paragraphs more logically belong outside the report ’ and that ‘ if an uncertainty is properly disclosed in the accounts , such accounts can present a true and fair view without the auditors having to refer to it … a set of accounts should be complete in itself , without having to read the audit opinion ’ .
17 Furthermore , body measurements at birth are only proxies for variables more closely related to the processes that underlie programming .
18 The ears usually only flatten onto the back of the horse 's neck when it is all too late , and the horse is already lunging at its opponent with its teeth bared !
19 In 1988–9 , local authorities in England employed 64,000 academic staff in further education , and 26,000 in higher education ( in colleges and polytechnics now mostly removed to the PCFC sector ) .
20 Other studies in Oxford on the hypothalamus led to the discovery of compounds now successfully used in the treatment of sterility and cancers of the prostate .
21 However , a student who has performed outstandingly well in the HNC/HND examinations or has taken a combination of units particularly well matched with the requirements of the degree course may be considered for exemption from appropriate parts ( normally up to half ) of the second-year ( or the part-time equivalent ) of the degree course .
22 Despite lobbying to the point of laryngitis by a embryonic Preservation Society ( the narrow gauge Society proper was constituted in 1978 ) , they rapidly lifted rails with buildings and signals equally enthusiastically razed to the ground .
23 The other possible way of answering your question is to think in terms of having a large project in which you would write a whole series of poems that would add up into a book , which as it happens I have just done , since I have just published a book of poems which are all retellings of bible stories , and there the subjects quite clearly came from the outside , though I mean unless they latch onto something inside you they wo n't make poems .
24 I was nearly knocked down the steps then nearly carried up the steps then nearly trampled upon then nearly asphyxiated then completely ambushed engulfed surrounded then wholly abandoned .
25 The provision of permanent waters led everywhere to overgrazing and consequent soil erosion , and veterinary quarantine regulations which interfered with the free movement of cattle both within and into and out of the reserves almost certainly contributed to the spread of tsetse fly which occurred during the colonial period .
26 But Venice is a seaport still , and above all these lesser vessels there still tread through the lagoon , as they always have , big ships out of the oceans .
27 By the 1880s Blue Books almost always originated from the government and not in response to parliamentary demands .
28 That evening , they met the men at eight o'clock , all parties quite well oiled from the off .
29 What seemed an age was only seconds , fractions of seconds , before her open eyes no longer responded to the light they received .
30 The bones most recently found in the docks will be reburied .
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