Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [verb] on a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The researchers eventually stumbled on a 1979 article in a little-known medical journal , Psychiatry Research , which described the plight and eventual suicide of a 23-year-old graduate student .
2 Brenda , her eyes suddenly alighting on a round milk stain on the table cloth , herself thought that breakfast was n't perhaps the most suitable time for a display of her recently acquired information about the investigation of rape .
3 So many track workers have been allowed to go that in some parts of the country we are not able to put gangs together to work on a proper maintenance programme . ’
4 The coronation at Reims was a truly grand occasion , with all the major peers and bishops throughout the realm in attendance at one of the most expensive banquets ever lavished on a French king .
5 Only in Britain could employers already rely on a ready-made , indeed on a largely self-made , supply of skilled men with industrial experience .
6 In contrast popular dissenting tracts frequently insist on a strong separate identity , suspicious of being seen as formally composed and keen to assert scriptural language as a key to asserting their own experience .
7 On July 21 the six groups formally agreed on a continued ceasefire and on maintaining opposition to forces of former President Siyad Barre in the south , and on respect for " coexistence and national unity " .
8 Professional advisers from different local education authorities also meet on a voluntary basis principally through the National Association of Language Advisers , and the parallel organisation which serves advisers for Multicultural Education .
9 Gifts in kind on a larger scale by local shops or firms also exist on a large scale .
10 The compositions often focus on a single tree , placed in the foreground , usually off centre , the pattern of its branches mirroring the network of roots below .
11 Many families now rely on a joint income to meet their living costs .
12 Many families now rely on a joint income to meet their living costs .
13 For example , I have found an account dated 10 December1924 by Modigliani 's mother : ten pages closely typed on a poor typewriter which give information of the utmost importance about Modigliani 's life in Leghorn , from his birth in 1884 to his arrival in Paris in 1906 .
14 Patients now attend on a regular basis .
15 Where once their plants were collected from more exotic climes — euphorbia as a seedling from the Marquis de Sade 's derelict castle in Provence , alliums from the Professor 's botanical expeditions to Iran and Afghanistan for Flora Iranica ] — the Hewers now rely on a comprehensive collection nearer home .
16 The paralleling of Sweeney and the Cyclops here does on a small scale the work of the anthropologists ' comparative method , ‘ to make manifest the similarities and identities underlying the customs of races very remote in every way from each other ’ , though both are part of the ‘ mind of Europe ’ .
17 More compact shires usually focused on a single centre of the order of two or three thousand inhabitants with wealth to match : Leicester had a good 2,000 or more , including a leading burgess worth £600 ; in a smaller , poorer county , Nottingham was both smaller and less prosperous .
18 Nevertheless , the courts sometimes act on a second principle , stated by Cross as follows .
19 Children were constrained in the kinds of response possible and so appeared to treat less as more ; the younger children probably relied on a non-linguistic strategy of choosing the greater of two amounts , and this would account for responses to both more ( apparently correct ) and less ( apparently wrong ) when combined with partial or even no lexical knowledge ; and lastly , children were not given instructions with both more and less on the same occasion .
20 TOM and safety awareness programmes are two examples of training courses now held on a regular basis at the Group 's new training centre .
21 Coventry four-piece the Ludicrous Lollipops compete in the same arena as End 's Atomic Dustbin but do so with a large amount of panache and with fingers firmly placed on a bouncing , glistening pop pulse .
22 Coventry four-piece the Ludicrous Lollipops compete in the same arena as End 's Atomic Dustbin but do so with a large amount of panache and with fingers firmly placed on a bouncing , glistening pop pulse .
23 He remarks ( 1983 , p. 45 ) that Friend , Power and Yewlett ( 1974 ) in their study on the expansion of Droitwich ‘ revealed government departments and local authorities closely involved on a common task .
24 The World Wide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) has reached an outline agreement with the Timber Trade Federation and the industry 's Forests Forever campaign on a tropical timber labelling scheme , which would identify wood from sustainable sources .
25 The updated logo features ‘ a more contemporary typeface and slight modifications to the spacing of the design 's blocks ’ , and the white letters now appear on a burgundy background instead of the traditional blue — and we hope the company gets some very tough questioning at the annual meeting over the cost .
26 It had looked as if Robert Palmer was getting Digital Equipment Corp back onto an even keel , but now comes cause for great concern : too many companies decide that if the product is having a tough time in the market , the answer is to change the packaging , and DEC is tarting up its famous lower-case ‘ digital ’ logo , which has stood the company in excellent stead since 1957 ; the updated logo features ‘ a more contemporary typeface and slight modifications to the spacing of the design 's blocks ’ , and the white letters now appear on a burgundy background instead of the traditional blue — and we hope the company gets some very tough questioning at the annual meeting over the cost .
27 Footballers sometimes appeared on a music-hall bill in the late Victorian and Edwardian years but it was not until the inter-war years that top players became ‘ stars ’ .
28 Blue chip shares now sell on a phenomenal 37 times their earnings — but that is half as phenomenal as the ratio of three years ago .
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