Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The best known use of zeolites has been as dehydrating agents — the so called molecular sieves — which can effectively filter out and hold on to water molecules thereby removing them from other liquids .
2 As the Post Office Authorities only favour us with two mails weekly at this time of the year , your impression of Saturday first will not reach this remote whisky-making comer of Her Majestie 's dominions until the morning will have dawned when Shepherds first received the tidings .
3 ( Sweet ale drinkers vigorously attacked it as that pernicious and wicked weed ) .
4 Cos in those days , some of the homes just pushed them into domestic service and that kind of thing .
5 He just left the remark hanging in the air and she stared after him , the eyes never leaving him at all .
6 By 1960 , the American space programme had launched a number of ‘ Mercury ’ spacecraft , and the first of their manned spacecrafts was launched in the early part of 1961 , once again with the Russians just beating them to that objective .
7 I do not mean a sexual strength — of that I have little — but a union of all my senses simply carries me past all reflection , sometimes into a beautiful ease , sometimes into filth and futility … but always I am passive .
8 He accompanied King James on the visit which he made to Scotland to impose episcopacy , and in his sermons there supported him in this venture , which was to have calamitous results for the monarchy in the next reign .
9 Sue had smiled , glossy pink lips , smooth make-up , brown eyes like treacle , and said nothing and , as far as Marion knew , her feet never bothered her at all .
10 The Germans hardly shelled us at all .
11 They 're so much more satisfactorily final and distinguished than weddings ; and christenings always fill me with great unease and pessimism and I do n't like sugared almonds . ’
12 Her husband , also a compositor , died six years later leaving her with three young children , and she was obliged to go back to work ( at Macdonalds in London Road , not in her previous job at Morrison & Gibb ) until she was over 50 , by which time her children were all supporting themselves .
13 Its seven thousand spines then defend it in all directions .
14 Speechwriters never make it to secret agent , ’ he observed , perhaps wistfully ,
15 Soon afterwards he accompanied Charles Howard , Earl of Carlisle [ q.v. ] , as envoy to Alexis , but was not admitted to the negotiations , the Russians probably suspecting him of changing masters .
16 Of course , the Bill includes provisions to allow the assigned band to be changed if the value of the property changes sufficiently to take it into another band .
17 The very largest like the Prudential and Standard Life are able to offer these as a genuinely independent extension of their huge pension businesses but many of the smaller firms obviously see them as commercial marketing opportunities .
18 Her boobs may look like a couple of wrung-out teabags , but her granite stomach muscles somehow propel her into perfect proportion .
19 So a catastrophic drop to 5 per cent of its pre-deluge invertebrate quantities still provided them with three square meals a day .
20 It 's no good to produce neatly cut panels then spoil them with distorted sewing , so the very first concern must be to understand the adjustments for thread tension .
21 Would those older cadets actually report him for such an infringement , on Lexandro 's part , of cousinly courtesy ?
22 Books on these five traditions commonly divide them into two major categories .
23 Into quarters exactly cut it into four .
24 While much of the journeying was in Britain and Ireland , his half-dozen ventures abroad took him across much of continental Europe .
25 The isolation or bunching together of such pupils only provides them with poor role models and intensive interaction with other disturbed children .
26 ‘ The Police generally support us on this , but I have to say the problem does not seem quite as serious now as it used to be , and they did not mind us frequently playing Saturday games last season . ’
27 Parents give to their children , and continue to give more than their children ever give them in most cases , although one situation in which this flow often is reversed is where children have migrated to a more affluent country , and expect to send money back to their parents ( see for example , Thorogood , 1987 ) .
28 It is worth fifty dollars a night , and you guys probably want it for thirty , right ? ’
29 The restaurant manager called all his waiters together to warn them about shady customers .
30 Irrespective of their original function , these historical documents now provide us with many fascinating insights into the way we were .
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