Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [verb] [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Fear of being ousted from Edward 's entourage by the king 's Poitevin half-brothers perhaps gave him a personal interest in the political upheaval of 1258 , which began with the half-brothers ' expulsion from England .
2 We widened the steps slightly to make them a secure and comfortable width to walk and wheel a barrow down .
3 I would be grateful if you could confirm your acceptance of this proposal , and I will take necessary steps here to pay you the first overseas royalty .
4 If you must use a light to illuminate your indicators then make it a dull , red one .
5 Her colourful opinions soon gave her a wider platform and she became a familiar face in the gossip columns .
6 IBM Corp has had to call in the headhunters again to find itself a new chief financial officer : it has tapped Russell Reynolds Associates , and the executive search firm says that it was actually hired by IBM prior to appointment of Louis Gerstner as chairman and chief executive .
7 He soon became a permanent fixture in our Southern and United League teams and his delicate ball-playing skills rapidly earned him the quaint nickname ‘ Lady ’ , and a special place in the affections of Palace supporters .
8 Because the market for meals is in competitive equilibrium we saw that the marginal cost curve for films also told us the marginal value of the meals being sacrificed to make the last film .
9 Theories acquired ideological labels , and social interests thus determined what a particular group would admit as a legitimate contribution to scientific knowledge .
10 CompuAdd 's prices already offer you the best value in the business .
11 The nationalization acts creating public corporations usually made it a statutory requirement for such machinery to be set up , although the form and details were left to the parties .
12 The researchers then set themselves the unenviable task of positioning 48 aphids about 1 cm away from the leaves of both the wild and cultivated plants , making sure that the insects were pointing towards the leaves .
13 Although in fact ultra vires , taxing many men worth less than £2 on goods must have been considered justified by circumstances , for their numbers alone made them an important element in the local community .
14 But organisation charts only give us the bare bones of the organisation 's structure and we should not be carried away with the idea that official descriptions tell us all .
15 Although car dealer Cannan has always denied any involvement in Suzy 's disappearance , several detectives still consider him the chief suspect in the baffling case .
16 So at last — science has discovered the reason why agony aunts always give you the same advice : if your marriage has got stale , brighten yourself up , get fitter , take up a hobby or surprise your husband .
17 Now a cursory look through our library cuttings today shows me the huge range of work in which you 're involved .
18 For working-class girls ( unlike middle-class girls , for whom comprehensives potentially offered them the academic education denied to many under the systems of 11 + weighting ) comprehensives probably made little difference .
19 Another well known crossover is the snake cable , where you simply cross the stitches one way , knit a few rows then cross them the other way .
20 One of the men then gave me a perfunctory glance at a warrant before entering the house and walking up the stairs .
21 Working and looking after children part-time gives me the best of both worlds .
22 As a result , despite his good looks and affable personality , women scarcely gave him a second glance .
23 The Snotlings always do what the nearest unit of Orcs or Goblins does — cheerfully imitating their neighbours ' actions .
24 The above assignments also gives you a new way of accessing a sub-directory of DUA0 : [ SOFTWARE_LIBRARY ] , named DUA0 : [ SOFTWARE_LIBRARY.PMR ] .
25 The two together are referred to as Le Tube , though the papers sometimes call it the French Connection . ’
26 It was part of a nationwide celebration of the six million adult students currently giving themselves a second chance .
27 Helen 's ability to enjoy herself and express her objections effectively make her an easy person to help , although she is sometimes criticised for being demanding .
28 They did n't really need it , of course , since it was a lovely warm summer 's day , but the twins clearly thought it a great adventure , busily insisting on helping Ross by scampering about the bay in search of small pieces of wood to add to the bonfire .
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