Example sentences of "[noun pl] [modal v] not [verb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The English could use these at will , and looked to do so later ; the Scots could not approach them without coming into close range of archery they had learned to respect .
2 Although 14 polytechnics will become universities this autumn under the new Higher Education Act , potential recruits will not find them in the university entrants ' handbook for 1993 .
3 It 's the job of the reporter to interpret facts and schools can not expect them to be mere mouthpieces .
4 What it provides is that a company proposing to allot equity securities shall not allot them to any person unless it has first offered , on the same or more favourable terms , to each person who holds relevant shares or relevant employee shares , a proportion of those equity securities which is as nearly as practicable equal to his existing proportion in nominal value of his aggregate holdings of relevant shares and relevant employee shares .
5 Similarly , if they are generally very optimistic about the future , high interest rates will not discourage them from investing .
6 Nevertheless , whether the parties want compromise or a contest , their legal advisers can not satisfy them without a thorough knowledge of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 ( " UCTA " ) , and of the underlying principles contained in the Sale of Goods Act 1979 ( " SGA " ) , and the Supply of Goods And Services Act 1982 ( " SGSA " ) .
7 Will Thorne — MP , trade unionist and patriot — declared that the patriotism of West Ham socialists would not prevent them from taking a strong political stance on relief questions ( SE 15 August 14 ) .
8 Once they got there , however , they found the police would not allow them onto the tarmac with the welcoming VIPs and it looked at one point as though they were not going to get any pictures .
9 compensation package for V A T for pensioners will not compensate them in full as was promised , and in view of the fact that we 've had extremely cold weather for the last week .
10 The emergency services have said while the restrictions will make their response time slightly slower the humps will not stop them from carrying out their duties .
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