Example sentences of "[noun pl] [modal v] [be] made at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Where it is known that the debtor has more than one residential or business address , personal calls should be made at all addresses ; ( b ) should the creditor fail to effect service , a first class prepaid letter should be written to the debtor referring to the call(s) , the purpose of the same and the failure to meet with the debtor , adding that a further call will be made for the same purpose on the day of 19 at hours at ( place ) .
2 Nonetheless certain advances can be made at the national level , and given that politics and governmental power are still largely national in scope certain advances must be made at that level if they are to be made at all .
3 What the WEA 's voluntary membership really wants from its tutor-organisers remains a profitable subject for debate — as does the basic question of whether such appointments should be made at all .
4 Regulations may be made at any meeting .
5 ( d ) Payments should be made at regular intervals , preferably weekly .
6 Telephone bookings can be made at 0232–241919 .
7 bookings can be made at any one of our T.I.C.s .
8 On the other hand the production of separate leaflets can be staggered and additions and alterations can be made at any time quickly and less expensively ; and some leaflets , which require no alteration from year to year , need not be reprinted for one or two years .
9 Enquiries may be made at any time ( and indeed should be ! ) but applications are normally considered in April and September each year .
10 Substitutions may be made at any time without penalty .
11 Slabs or successive slabs with faces suitable for serial reconstruction of large-scale fabrics can be made at this stage .
12 Standard Position Reports will be made at all designated points ( Black Triangle on charts ) , or when asked " on request " ( White Triangle ) .
13 Notes can be made at this stage and possibly some rough diagrams drawn which may or may not be incorporated into the final document .
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