Example sentences of "[noun pl] [modal v] [adv] [verb] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The parties should then state that these documents constitute the entire agreement between them .
2 But though none might be prepared to go so far as that , all British parties would quickly realize that apparent discrimination against women in their lists would do them a lot of harm .
3 We saw in Chapter 6 how Marxists argue that military spending is one solution to under-consumption ; at the same time Marxists would also argue that Keynesian demand management and social welfarism is another instrument for creating higher effective consumer demand , which also serves to create further false consciousness among the working class and defuse threats to the legitimacy of the state .
4 Here again any measured view of life in schools will quickly demonstrate that many of the initial perceptions are largely groundless .
5 Many readers will readily recognise that such purchase decisions are often fraught with difficulty and argument .
6 Experience gained from solving and modelling with ILPs will often suggest that some integer variables in a particular problem are more ‘ important ’ than others , in that it is desirable to force the important variables to integer values early in the solution .
7 Any voice can be divided easily into two or even three separate parts , and we need have no fear that listeners will easily detect that some voices have been correspondingly weakened .
8 parents should always arrange if possible for their children to see old people of marked interest in their lives , so as to carry on the links of tradition …
9 As in the case of personal representatives , the company 's articles will probably provide that any restrictions on transferability apply on any application to be registered and to any transfer by him and these restrictions may handicap the trustee in obtaining the best price on a sale of the shares , particularly if the articles confer pre-emption rights .
10 Even the solicitors could not say whether Legal Aid would be granted to all or any of the four families .
11 She wondered , however , whether the philosophy of matching services closely to needs might eventually mean that existing residents who were relatively independent might be thought unsuitable for Mencap 's homes .
12 He could also have taken into account , if he was aware of it , that the effect of requiring an undertaking in damages from the council would be to cause the collapse of the law enforcement process in this area of law ; and further that the enforcement of the law was not merely desirable as such in the public interest , but that small retailers could well suffer if large retailers such as Wickes were able to continue to trade with impunity during a significant period in contravention of what might well prove to be a perfectly valid law .
13 They would not have felt at ease if the beach had been entirely unpeopled , and indeed it was not , but over here balls would not bounce nor running youngsters kick sand up on to their towels , and there was the shade essential for Jack , which his wife had still to remind him about .
14 Users of financial statements would wrongly assume that such paragraphs are a form of qualification .
15 It does not like a hot dry position and in such a place , seeds will not germinate until heavy rain occurs .
16 When the comparative method of land valuation is used problems may sometimes arise where unrealistic transactions are used as a guide or base value , particularly at the point when land values are about to fall , as happened in 1973 .
17 A business which sells only to trade customers may nevertheless find that some of its customers are " consumers " .
18 But adjudication officers may eventually claim that part-time employment is your normal pattern , and that you should not be entitled to benefit on the days you do n't work because you would not normally expect to be working anyway .
19 But adjudication officers may eventually claim that part-time employment is your normal pattern , and that you should not be entitled to benefit on the days you do n't work because you would not normally expect to be working anyway .
20 But adjudication officers may eventually claim that part-time employment is your normal pattern , and that you should not be entitled to benefit on the days you do n't work because you would not normally expect to be working anyway .
21 Smaller firms may not feel that some of the guidance is particularly relevant to them , eg : ‘ it is desirable that a second partner is appointed for each client ’ .
22 They took a very different attitude from Maud to this relationship believing ‘ that if local government is to have any chance of achieving a corporate approach to its affairs members and officers must both recognise that neither can regard any area of the authority 's work and administration as exclusively theirs ’ ( Bains 1972:8 ) .
23 Because he or she appears to manage , the owners might not realise that old age is taking its toll and that the dog has become much more attached to them because of its sudden psychological inability to cope with the environment .
24 This happy state of affairs could well continue if recent trends towards the construction of purpose-built houses ( as the stock of existing property is bought up ) , and more especially towards time-share developments , which spread the economic benefits over a wider season and ownership , continue into the late 1980s and early 1990s ( White , 1978 ) .
25 Special provisions will also ensure that those on modest incomes most of which comes from investments , such as people who have been made redundant , do not pay this 9% on their savings .
26 Practitioners could then consider whether this can be transferred to a new physical or social setting , or is sustainable only in a familiar setting .
27 But the politicians and civil servants could not agree that further expenditure on the development of broadcasting should be given priority :
28 Although production of energy within the LDCs will also increase and this will reduce dependence on imported oil , nevertheless total energy imports will rise by some 2% per annum .
29 Sulphur dioxide emissions would also increase if that strategy were implemented .
30 Female members of staff undergoing security inspections may also appreciate that one quarter of the new security officers will be female .
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