Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] made [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In Cambridgeshire , both on the former open-field areas and in the reclaimed fens almost identical farmhouses are made of a grey-white brick .
2 But in fact , the egg cells are quite the most likely place for the cycle to occur — because egg cells go through a phase of very high and relatively indiscriminate transcriptional activity when numerous RNA copies are made of a great deal of DNA including some of the Alu sequences .
3 By taking account of business and other operational plans , such as changes in working practices , projections are made over a five-year period to provide base information against which to evaluate alternative strategies on staffing requirements and costs .
4 There is a specific exclusion where the introductions are made to an authorised independent financial adviser .
5 ‘ Each month approximately 300 new requests are made for an occupational therapist assessment and this level of demand far outstrips the borough 's available resources . ’
6 The Association of Friends raise finance for overseas tours and plans are made for an eight day visit to Hungary in July .
7 At first light final checks are made to the hot air balloons for the start of the weekend festival .
8 ‘ Most people assume nuisance calls are made by the dirty raincoat brigade , ’ says Olga Hubicka at BT , ‘ but often they are received after domestic arguments and lovers ' tiffs . ’
9 Both these products are made on a large scale and can still be regarded as commodities .
10 Most products are made for a particular customer or to a particular order .
11 The domes are made of a steel-nickel alloy which can withstand high pressure and even explosions .
12 Entries are made with every different kind of control input : full in-spin aileron , full out-spin aileron , airbrakes in and out , c.g. forward and c.g. aft , etc. , using the standard method of recovery to stop the spin .
13 Ironically , it is obviously during recession that the greatest demands are made on the social security budget as needs explodes .
14 Set squares are made in the same way though a little ingenuity may be required to grip the material .
15 Many related compounds were made in the same laboratories and were investigated in more or less detail according to the promise they showed .
16 The evening came to an end after about three hours ' dancing , the final speeches being made by the local dignitaries , this being followed by a round of applause for the French people , led by a British Officer .
17 In particular , the Kitchen herbs are liable not to be used unless they are very close to hand for the cook ; in the rush of making up food amongst all the other demands being made at the same time , a trough or window-box of herbs on the Kitchen windowsill or just outside the backdoor will ensure that culinary herbs are used daily .
18 Most of these covers were made in the late eighteenth century or the early nineteenth , and often give away their date in their names .
19 More significant concessions were made in the 1920s , when a majority of the Legislative Council was elected by a franchise limited by ethnicity , education and wealth .
20 Injections were made into the vitreous by placing the needle just posterior to the corneoscleral junction , and the success of the injection was confirmed by ensuring that the pupillary response was eliminated .
21 Clement Attlee announced that the British Empire and Commonwealth , being based on Christian principles , was ‘ the exact contrast to the Nazi conception of a world order ’ , which was the expression of the creed of Antichrist , and countless other speeches were made in the same vein .
22 Demands were made for the immediate distribution of gas masks , most notably by Foreign Minister David Levi on Aug. 20 .
23 Not only that , the recordings were made on the very instrument for which most of it had been written , so there 's no doubt that the sounds we hear are the very sounds he had in mind when setting out his very registration .
24 And in accord with this prediction , when recordings were made from the motor neurons within the abdominal ganglion during habituation , it was found that there was indeed a progressive decline in the firing rate of the cells as habituation occurred .
25 Recognition of Carver 's importance was stimulated when an edition of the extant works was published in 1959 ; several recordings were made in the late 1980s , and a complete cycle of the masses and motets was performed in Glasgow in July 1990 .
26 Concern was expressed that where trustees , particularly professional trustees , seek to limit the warranties and indemnities that may be required when they sell shares in a private company , an indirect provision of funds is made to the non-resident settlement .
27 Chain began working in the summer of 1938 on penicillin and pyocyanase , though by January 1939 , when an application for funds was made to the Medical Research Council , penicillin and ‘ actinomycetin ’ , an antibiotic which Waksman was studying , were mentioned .
28 Trick tables conceal parts of the actors ’ bodies , and models are made for the missing parts , liberally spattered with gore and guts .
29 All elements are made of the same stuff — positively charged nuclei containing protons and encircled by negatively charged electrons .
30 The same calculations that so accurately predict the proportions in which the elements are made in the big bang also predict the amounts in which they are made .
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