Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] in a [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In this important respect , the Institute 's exams are in a stronger position than ever before , following the agreement of the firms with the largest numbers of students to provide nominees to examining positions on a planned basis ; and smaller firms have expressed support as well .
2 But Mr Thomas said : ‘ Hamilton 's plans are in a greater stage of flux than any other .
3 But Mr Thomas said : ‘ Hamilton 's plans are in a greater stage of flux than any other .
4 Further — but more debatably — if we feel that our own moral values are based on relatively restricted experience and inadequate consideration of alternative values , we might concede that the lawmakers are in a better position to give due and adequate consideration to all morally relevant factors which bear on the critique of moral values .
5 This may be also a question which you will say the districts are in a better position to answer and maybe they should be forewarned that if you say that , they will be asked that question .
6 The community broadcasters are in a stronger position than ever before to establish credibility at a nationwide level .
7 The national and regional survey figures indicate that the large companies are in a better position than small companies to expand their export activity to compensate for a recession in the home market .
8 This is usually countered by arguing that there is a basic selection of knowledge and skills that a nurse must have to ensure competence , and teachers and curriculum planners are in a better position than students to know what these are .
9 That means our customers are in a better position to serve their own customers and we have a greater opportunity to increase our share of their business .
10 Independent agencies are in a better position to offer personal service than are those tied to big chains , believes managing director Daphne Armstrong .
11 With government borrowing having soared to £28 billion this year , and underlying concern that public finances are in a worse state than has been acknowledged , Mr Portillo 's priority will be to curb further increases in public expenditure .
12 Moreover , newspapers were in a greater state of disrepair than other publications , with 18% being classified as ‘ Fragile ’ ( as opposed to 2% for monographs and 0% for serials ) .
13 " Scores of men are in a worse plight than they have been for thirty-seven years past " , admitted Harry Orbell , " The pawnshops are glutted .
14 But Wood said afterwards : ‘ It 's not our problem that the men are in a worse predicament than the women . ’
15 It seems probable that compulsory competitive tendering will be introduced , once voluntary and commercial suppliers of domiciliary services are in a stronger position .
16 Their clothes were in a worse state than when they had left the workhouse .
17 In one sense , though , Japan 's aircraft makers are in a stronger position than many of their more experienced rivals abroad .
18 There are a number of good reconstruction drawings of them and a clear idea of their appearance can be gained from the sixteenth century measured drawings by Renaissance architects like Palladio which were made when the remains were in a better condition than they are now .
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