Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] hold [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As with Palaeocarpilius powerful claws are held close to the body , like the living shore crab .
2 Powerful pincers are held close to the body , also equipped with a good ‘ cutting ’ edge .
3 When they are moving about and their legs are held apart from the body the splash-pattern is not obvious , but once they crouch motionless , with their legs drawn up to their sides , their trunk and leg patches meet and obscure the divisions between them .
4 Two of the government 's most important objectives are to reduce the proportion of the nation 's wealth consumed by the public sector and to reduce the extent to which individuals are held back by the public sector …
5 Joffre himself was jubilant at the news of the German attacks being held all along the line , proclaiming victory and standing by to take most of the credit himself .
6 These sentiments were held equally by the Dutch government , newly returned to The Hague .
7 Mahdi Mohammed loyalists were holding out in the northern fringes of the capital .
8 The way in which fireplace surrounds are held on to the wall of the chimney breast varies according to the type of surround .
9 Now while it may be difficult to gainsay the claim that these are the things on which it would be most worth spending time if there was ever no further need to struggle for the basics of human survival and comfort , life seems to be trivialised if culture and personal relations are held up as the be all and end all of what really matters .
10 The Party 's leaders were held up to the public 's scrutiny ; it was not the Party 's fault that some , those with speech defects in particular , failed to receive the customary standing ovation after their speeches from an enthusiastic conference , or that others , standing some way up the ladder of promotion , were pinched for drunken driving .
11 The highly decorated markets are held daily in the town square and offer a wealth of ideas for presents for family and friends .
12 Legislative elections were held simultaneously with the first round of the presidential elections on April 8 , 1990 , when no party gained an overall majority [ see p. 37371 ] .
13 Her hands were held out to the sides , circling supplely , fingers gesturing elegantly .
14 He said that his men were held back by the heat of the fire , which stripped plaster from the walls , burnt floorboards and brought ceilings crashing down onto the ground floor of the semidetached house .
15 Walter Sherfield , who had started school the year before , remembers the time well , particularly during the long hot summer days when lessons were held out in the open , under the old oak trees .
16 Fairs were held regularly with the markets but they were by no means profitable .
17 On the first day of the conference it was apparently agreed that Taiwan should be accepted as one of the Forum 's dialogue partners — those countries outside the South Pacific — currently the USA , UK , France , China , Canada , Japan and the European Communities — with which talks were held immediately after the conclusion of the heads of government conference .
18 A conference of northern local authorities was held soon after the January 1986 announcement of the Tunnel project in order to consider its likely impact on the region , and the North of England Regional Consortium has lobbied the government ever since for improved transport links .
19 The company 's shares are held entirely within the family .
20 The holiday camps are held separately for the different sexes , mirroring the gender segregation that occurs in the majority of Northern Ireland 's schools , but another form of segregation in schooling which is not reproduced is that of religion , for the few Catholic schools that exist in the Easton area nominate participants .
21 Seated at his tiny desk beneath the window , Richard was intent on the word-pictures being held up by the kindly faced tutor .
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