Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [to-vb] [that] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With this available , the main concerns are to ensure that the tank is large enough and that sufficient head is maintained in the supply line to keep the tank full .
2 I hope that the hon. Member for Newry and Armagh , and other hon. Members who represent Northern Ireland , will agree that one of the absolute keys is to ensure that the money we spend gets to the people who most deserve and need it as quickly as possible .
3 For her , the dreadful underlying fear is that the space can never be filled : any such attempt would be futile , and so the best thing to do in the circumstances is to accept that the space exists , and to turn this fact to advantage .
4 To invoke the idea of an interest , as I have done , to resolve the dispute between holists and individualists is to allow that the canons of explanation in the social sciences are both pragmatic and normative .
5 One of Lyon 's responsibilities was to ensure that the cantor , who led the singing on behalf of the congregation , was fit for the job .
6 The chief executive of the health service in Scotland , Don Cruickshank , said yesterday that one of the unit 's aims is to ensure that the NHS attracts the best staff .
7 The job of our full-time fund raisers is to see that the RNLI 's use of such methods is as professional as can be . ’
8 The aim of the experiments was to demonstrate that the comprehension of English texts depends not only on knowledge of the language , but also on extra-linguistic knowledge , particularly related to the contexts in which the texts occur .
9 The primary duty of trustees is to ensure that the trust fund remains intact , since the financial security of the beneficiaries may depend on it .
10 Derrida or one of his disciples is to feel that the mystification and intimidation of the reader is the ultimate aim of the enterprise . ’
11 One of the simplest planning points is to ensure that the timing of dividend and ACT payments is arranged to give the maximum cash flow advantage .
12 The result of the tests was to illustrate that the failure of the right stabiliser on G-BEBP occurred because of an inherent inability of what was believed to be a fail-safe structure to carry the flight loads subsequent to the fracture of the rear spar top chord ( a primary load bearing structure ) ; this was a feature of the basic design and construction rather than some factor specific to G-BEBP .
13 A major reason for depreciation charges in the accounts is to ensure that the costs of services provided by capital assets are included in the selling price of the company 's products .
14 A major reason for depreciation charges in the accounts is to ensure that the costs of services provided by capital assets are included in the selling price of the company 's products .
15 The counter-move to such complaints is to say that the concept of lucidity is itself repressive , and that unravelling Derrida 's meanings is itself a deconstructive act , directed against hegemonic ideological positions .
16 The easiest way to deal with the situation and the one which causes least problems to the students is to assume that the wages paid in 1989 and the materials used in 1989 were charged in 1989 .
17 The effect of the new evidence from the two women was to suggest that the man who assaulted Miss Wilson was arrested an hour earlier , at 11:50pm , and that they were in the police station making their statements at about the time of the murder and the discovery of the body .
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