Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [v-ing] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly the President 's enemies are itching to believe unsubstantiated stories that could hurt him .
2 Governments ' policies are beginning to reflect that fact .
3 First , the discussion of policy making in the later part of the last chapter suggested that many new initiatives stem from the recognition that older policies are failing to meet desired goals .
4 Britain 's black comics are hoping to follow that example — by ploughing an independent path — building their own support base and establishing their own venues .
5 This is by no means an easy task when so many types of movement classes and fitness pursuits are competing to attract potential members .
6 Health experts are campaigning to get more mothers to breastfeed their babies .
7 That there are now a large number of techs in the country with no young people waiting , modern apprenticeships are going to help that process even further and why are n't modern apprenticeships being welcomed ?
8 For example , police surgeons and paediatricians are learning to conduct medical examinations in partnership , and social workers and police officers are being trained to conduct joint interviews with children where sexual abuse is suspected .
9 As more and more frauds emerge it becomes apparent that conmen are trying to dupe vulnerable people .
10 To the south-west , owners of beach holiday homes are trying to claim new beach thrown up by the latest sea defence scheme and to prevent non-owners from walking along the top of the beach .
11 Recession-hit restaurants are trying to inject some fun into food — at better prices .
12 The NUT is n't the only union to be alarmed by the fact that some schools are attempting to influence parental choice through ‘ free gifts ’ on enrolment .
13 Several of the schools are proposing to undertake joint development work with local colleges .
14 As he looked round , he saw that his words were starting to have some effect .
15 This he might find in the service of a bishop ; for many bishops in the late eleventh and twelfth centuries were coming to have large staffs of young clerks , who learned the business of ecclesiastical administration and rose to be canons or archdeacons , or were seconded or translated to the royal service .
16 By 1981 some parties were planning to launch new papers or broadcasting stations .
17 Even into the second year of contracts , when DHAs were beginning to get better information on which to base changes in contracts , regional regulation is tight .
18 Since March 30 officials from the USSR Procurator General 's office had been trying to install their own chosen state procurator on the grounds that Palauskas was failing to enforce Soviet laws in Lithuania .
19 So you have to insulate the , the administrators from direct control of the people if you , if the administrators are going to make good decisions .
20 And when we 're all finally forced to go to you know Tescos for our shopping , I do n't think us or Third World countries are going to get much benefit from it .
21 During the 1980s , interest in corporate reporting on environmental issues was muted , but there is evidence that more UK companies are beginning to provide such information in their annual reports .
22 Thai companies are continuing to import Cambodian timber despite the ban imposed by the UN and the Cambodian government in January [ see ED 65/66 ] .
23 According to the RIC , timber companies are continuing to flout environmental laws , resorting to bribery where necessary .
24 Liberals and conservatives are beginning to find common ground on one point : welfare should be strictly temporary — a transition back to work .
25 A number of rare animals in the wild are joining waiting lists for zoo cages , and like hospital administrators , zoo directors are having to make tough decisions about who gets the places .
26 This has exciting theoretical consequences , for in trying to do this , feminist analyses are attempting to fill huge lacunae left by most economists and sociologists , including Marx .
27 Brazilian ecologists are planning to reintroduce captive-bred manatees along stretches of rivers .
28 Reformers were seeking to integrate working-class adolescents into the ‘ common good ’ by means of an educational programme which it was hoped would lead them to internalize the community perspective and , therefore , use it as the criterion for evaluating their own wishes and responses .
29 The Yugoslavs were attempting to seize public buildings and key installations , and issuing proclamations to the effect that Carinthia , like Venezia Giulia , was part of Yugoslavia and now under Yugoslav administration .
30 In part the attempt by the Norfolk justices to appropriate canon law matters to the king 's competence was all of a piece with other measures which the king and his judges were taking to suppress rival jurisdictions and to reduce all justice within the realm to the crown .
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