Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [adv] [art] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His teeth are even a snow white in colour .
2 U.S. titles are now a phone call away .
3 VISUAL display units are not the radiation hazard some people would have you think , according to E. A. Cox , Her Majesty 's Principal Inspector at the Health and Safety Executive .
4 • A Welsh angling club has issued posters warning possible polluters that the River Taff and its tributaries are not a rubbish site .
5 By November 1985 it became apparent that the real antagonists were neither the Westland company nor British Aerospace , but Michael Heseltine , as a vigorous champion of the European link , and Mrs Thatcher .
6 Among the authors were also the Deputy Interior and Defence Ministers , Gen. Gromov and Varennikov , leading some commentators to see in it the veiled threat of a military coup .
7 The trouble was , all these methods were now the staple diet of Radio 4 plays .
8 In other words is simply a disequilibrium adjustment mechanism .
9 The most common microcomputer used in UK schools is now the BBC microcomputer range .
10 Interviewing prospective candidates was quite an eye opener for people who have n't a clue on what that job entails .
11 However , where the directors are together the majority shareholders , they must not abuse their voting control to discriminate against the minority .
12 Fortunately every one of the RAF parachute instructors is also a PT instructor and their fitness is beyond question .
13 The inference is clear : the Muslim religious leader of the Palestinian Arabs is also a war criminal .
14 The dominant tree in the High Weald where there are clay soils is also the pedunculate oak , but where sandy soils predominate the sessile oak ( Quercus petraea ) is well represented .
15 The ECJ made a specific ruling that the holding of shares in its subsidiaries was not a business activity .
16 The question is whether these hallowed archaisms are only a surface phenomenon which a sensible modernization of Parliament would easily sweep away , or whether they indicate a fundamental unsuitability in the traditional kind of representative institution to cope with the problems of modern democratic government .
17 Yet though woodlands are primarily a timber crop from which the owner is entitled to benefit , two principles have been laid down which qualify this .
18 If the answer is yes , public subsidies are simply a transfer payment to Airbus shareholders , for which there is no strong economic rationale .
19 Living up to other people 's signalled expectations is often a pleasure/pain experience : pleasure in the recognition we receive for satisfying others ' expectations , pain in the sense that we lose some of our independence and freedom .
20 Repairing electric motors is hardly a growth business ( British Coal is not the only customer in long-term decline ) and Dowding already has about a quarter of the market .
21 Changi airport is repeatedly rated as the world 's best , and Singapore Airlines is often the business traveller 's first choice .
22 The delivery of a request for further and better particulars is not a condition precedent to the making of an order for them , but the failure to make a prior request is a ground for refusing the order : Ord 6 , r 7 .
23 As Ulster Unionist security spokesman , Ken Maginnis , said this week : ‘ Loyalist paramilitaries are now a mirror image of the IRA .
24 It seems , however , that the paintings are not an acquisition priority for the Pitti Palace or any other Florentine public collection .
25 These topics are typically the subject matter of multilateral treaties which define mutually accepted uniform standards .
26 Lowe says his company went further than its original plans for a 5,000-mile range aircraft because customers wanted it , and that the GV and its performance figures are not a paper exercise or design concept , but a wind-tunnel-proven reality .
27 THE PROJECT nearest to our hearts is undoubtedly the payroll queries project .
28 Thus it would be true to say that the source of these modern difficulties is indeed the market economy , but on the other hand , on the evidence of the attempts at distinctions , it would not be true — it would in fact be seriously reductive — to say that the general market order has transformed all cultural production into a market-commodity type .
29 But Siberia also encompasses the ‘ little Switzerland ’ of the Gornyi Altai , a region of spectacular alpinesque beauty ; it contains the verdant grasslands around Lake Baikal where for centuries nomadic pastoralists have grazed their flocks and herds ; Lake Baikal itself , the deepest in the world and ‘ the pearl of Siberia ’ , is magnificent at any season and supports a micro-ecology with its own unique flora and fauna ; from the Kamchatka peninsula towers Mount Klyuchevskii , the highest volcano in Eurasia , and there , too , is a hotbed of active , boiling springs and geysers ; in the Vladivostok region on the Pacific coast grapevines are cultivated , and the jungles of the Amur and the Ussuri lowlands are still the stalking grounds of the great Siberian tiger .
30 It is important to stress that UDCs are not the lead agencies in such services as housing , Education and health , which remain with local authorities and other public agencies .
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