Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [adv] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The lunatics are now running the asylum . ’
2 At the same time he should check that he can reach the full rudder and stick movements without undue stretching , and that cushions or other objects are not limiting the movements of the controls .
3 Unless operations are severely restricted the risk , albeit small , will remain as long as low- and high-speed aircraft operate in the same lower airspace .
4 But as Unix moves more into the mainstream and the power of the machines increases , value-added resellers are now selling the Informix On-line product as well .
5 The shareholders are thereby given the power to judge for themselves whether the directors are using their managerial powers for their own benefit at the expense of the company and if this is so to veto the transaction or at least hold the director liable for any profits thereby made .
6 Before long , wine scholars and menu compilers are gravely debating the question of which Bordeaux vintage will best harmonize with the lamb , the potatoes and the artichokes , wondering whether the presence of the truffles does not after all call for a burgundy .
7 In administrative law the theory is that the courts are simply implementing the will of the legislature by subjecting the exercise of discretionary power to these standards of review .
8 It must be stressed that the courts are not challenging the merits of the decision but rather the power of the body in question to reach that particular decision .
9 we are lobbying the EC to make sure its aid programmes and industrial activities are not destroying the rainforest .
10 Most local authorities do not recruit until the months immediately before the vacancy arises although some authorities are increasingly seeing the advantage of recruiting one to two years in advance .
11 Conversely when the teeth are completely misaligned the flux path has a high reluctance and the phase inductance is a minimum .
12 In the position where the stator and rotor teeth are fully aligned the circuit reluctance is minimised and the magnetic flux in the stack is at its maximum value .
13 These replies may seem too trivial to mention — a nod , a murmur , ‘ that 's OK ’ or whatever , but if these signs are not provided the offender is left with the uneasy sense that his or her offence , trivial or not , is permanently entered in the criminal record .
14 Meetings are underway to redesign the country 's water system , particularly as 75 per cent of France 's power supply is generated by nuclear reactors which rely on water for their cooling systems .
15 If taxes are not providing the education , health-care and national welfare services that the public wants , will the public be willing to go on paying for them ?
16 Plans are underway to apply the technique to other types of cancer as well .
17 The BMC will not be claiming any ‘ victories ’ until climbers are actually visiting the Range legitimately to the mutual satisfaction of climbers , naturalist organisation and the Army authorities alike .
18 When looking at geographic geomorphology in the 1980s Graf , Trimble , Toy and Costa , ( 1980 ) observed that the human factor in geomorphology received insufficient attention until the late 1960s but that researchers are now recognizing the effect of human activity in many processes ranging from relatively minor disturbances to almost complete control .
19 New products are not giving the return on investment that is the company norm .
20 Land birds are constantly visiting the ship and the pretty Stormy Petrels are our constant companions while the ocean itself contains an abundance to amuse and gratify one .
21 this has enabled us to be more creative , flexible and sensitive in our caring than any statutory provision could be , but the contemporary role of the voluntary sector as a consistent challenger of government ethics is considerably limited : by tied funding or charity law , most voluntary groups are not allowed the luxury of political activity .
22 ‘ Readjustment of belief ’ is , in fact , the norm and all social groups are continually undergoing the process .
23 The fans are still hoping the terraces will be filled for a bright new future to come .
24 Believers are not to love the world , and one day it will pass away ( 1 John 2:15 , 17 ) .
25 Green Believers are now pressing the priests of rich-world industry to scan supply chains right down to their poor-world beginnings .
26 Overseas manufacturers are already imitating the design
27 The Consumers ' Association says that manufacturers are n't helping the situation by labelling clothes ‘ dry-clean only ’ to protect themselves when many could be washed with care .
28 The manufacturers are actively using the techniques to make life easier for the hobbyists and better for the fish themselves .
29 There is a projected complete recording of this , which may help to tip the balance in favour of Weill as a theatre composer , rather than one whose songs are fast becoming the province only of the recitalist , whether on the concert platform or in a smoky cellar .
30 That is , the intense visual experiences of dreaming during REM sleep are signalled by eye movements because the eyes are actually scanning the images generated by the dream .
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