Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [verb] for [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 These groups are trained for a more aggressive role in crowd control , and represent a significant move away from the traditional approach to public order policing which was based on containment and the use of minimum force .
2 A growing number of influential voices are calling for a more radical move away from pure PR .
3 Separate designs were evolved for the very different conditions of forest and savannah .
4 Given the triumph of fundamentalist Islam in Iran and the strength of similar forces in Afghanistan , many who saw no justification for Soviet intervention in law in 1979 could see one on grounds of ‘ national security ’ : much as such justifications were offered for the flagrantly illegal annexations of western Poland , the Baltic republics , Bessarabia , northern Bukovina and parts of Finnish territory in 1939–40 .
5 The administration and supervision of the Minor project are undertaken by DCSLs , unsupported by the Project Coordinating Team , whose efforts are reserved for the more substantial Major Project .
6 Actually , shellac was perhaps the least important constituent ; the most important was slate dust , whose abrasive and gritty properties were needed for a rather unusual reason .
7 Should the TGAT proposals be abandoned for an almost exclusive reliance on nationally prescribed tests for pupils at 7 , 11 , 14 and 16 , there is no doubt that the assessment procedures would have a much stronger impact on the taught curriculum , and pressures for teachers to ‘ teach to the test ’ would be greatly increased .
8 These techniques were developed for the perfectly legitimate ‘ bronzing ’ and ‘ antiquing ’ of patently modern metalwork , but could also be used by the faker with less honest motives .
9 For both males and females there is a U-shaped pattern of consultations , with the highest rates being reported for the very young .
10 In these tests , two lines of obviously different lengths are exhibited for a very short period of time , and the subject has to say whether the right or the left line was the longer .
11 But councillors are lokking for a more long term , solution … they 're to petion the county council for money for full time youth workers .
12 If the requirement for in situ hybridization to chromosomes is to probe for the completely unknown localization of unique sequences in the mouse genome , existing techniques are limited to tissue samples which give a plentiful supply of both slides and mitotic cells .
13 Detailed analysis of the early period of social-democratic activity , during the late 1880s and early 90s , has found that ‘ the relationship between worker and intelligentsia leaders was characterized for the most part by trust , co-operation and mutual respect . ’
14 However , whether or not instructors choose to expand and include will depend on the needs of particular groups of trainees : generally , more experienced trainees are equipped for the more sophisticated recording devices .
15 Long-stay care in hospitals is provided for the physically or mentally frail elderly .
16 During the 1860s the energy of the radicals was absorbed for the most part in rebellion against the values and conventions of the educated world from which they sprang .
17 Besides the present releases , at least three others are planned for the fairly near future .
18 The dilemma facing Ray Gasson , is that after decades of being encouraged to expand and produce more , the message from Brussels now is to cut down production , while environmentalists are pressing for a completely different approach to farming .
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