Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 No examination is required ; vacancies are advertised in the legal weeklies ( Law Society 's Guardian Gazette , New Law Journal , Solicitor 's Journal , and in The Times .
2 Vacancies are notified by the Civil Service Commission .
3 At the end of ‘ The Food of the Gods ’ the giants are fighting against the little people , for freedom .
4 The above ballets are classified under the nineteenth-century meaning of the term ‘ romantic ’ because they are based in the world of fantasy and deal very subtly with the theme of Man 's struggle against fate .
5 The theories propose that above this energy the strong interactions are unified with the weak and electromagnetic interactions , but that at lower energies there is spontaneous symmetry breaking .
6 Discussions are continuing with the Scottish Universities ' Council on Entrance regarding possible future recognition of the new general SVQ in science at level III for purposes of entry to higher education .
7 The second shift occurs when both the centre of orientation and the related objects are excluded from the canonical situation .
8 Returns are kept in the Public Record Office at Chancery Lane , London , under the classification E179 , but an enquirer should first check the availability of those which have been printed on a county basis or have been copied on to microfilm .
9 When the accounts are prepared in the new year the publishing cost per kindred associations will be negligible .
10 There will be a , a Conservative Party appointed agent who will act on behalf of all those candidates and simply fill in the election expenses The accounts are submitted to the returning officer .
11 The practical effects of adopting fund accounting depend upon the extent to which different funds are utilized and the form and extent to which the individual fund accounts are consolidated in the final accounts .
12 ( B ) The free and complexed DNA fragment populations were separated by electrophoresis through a 5% native polyacrylamide gel ( 8 ) ; the gel was then immersed and equilibrated into a buffer-containing plastic tray , and the retarded ( SC = specific complex , NSC = non-specific complex ) and unretarded ( F = free ) DNA species were exposed in situ to mild modification with DMS ( representative methylations are indicated by the black arrowheads ) .
13 The necessary skills are examined under the following headings .
14 A criterion description should enable interested groups ( pupils , parents , teachers , employers ) to know what skills are encompassed by the particular criterion .
15 In Hungary , for example , the Germans are to blame for the Hungarian Holocaust , the ‘ Russians ’ for Soviet communism and now , in some circles , the Jews for the failures of capitalism .
16 In this first chapter , however , the illustrations are limited to the Judaeo-Christian tradition .
17 Investigations are continuing into the exact cuasee of a crash that turned three husbands into widowers and robbed eight children of their mothers .
18 Zimbabwe Geological investigations are continuing in the Archaean Midlands Greenstone Belt of Zimbabwe as part of an integrated exploration project in which appropriate methods of regional structural analysis are being introduced as a basis for formulating sound gold exploration strategies and identifying targets for follow-up by the commercial sector.By the end of the second year about 1700 square kilometres ( or 70% ) of the project area has been tectonically mapped at scales of 1:25 000 to 1:50 000 , and selected areas , including over 80 medium-to-small gold mines , have been subjected to detailed structural analysis at survey scales of 1:200 to 1:2500 .
19 Monetary policies are determined by the federal government , and targets for increases in credits , decisions about ‘ selective ’ priority credits , and the levels of different interest rates are included in the annual Economic Resolution adopted by the Skupština .
20 Madam Speaker , what er I and my right honourable friend will go on emphasising is the contribution which our tax policies are making to the economic strength and the improved standards of living of this country .
21 To make matters worse , all the inventions are hidden in the various objects scattered around the cave system , so you 'll need all your wits about you if you 're to do it .
22 Pam Legate reports on how hoteliers are coping with the new EC Package Directive
23 All unary operations ( such as negate ) are performed on the top element of the stack , and binary operations are performed on the top two elements of the stack ( after which they are removed ) and the result placed on the top of the stack .
24 These three operations are performed in the successive layers .
25 But the strength of the operations are reflected in the quarterly breakdown of income from E&P which rose from £414 million at the start of 1992 to £515 million in the final quarter .
26 The Bank 's bill market operations are shown in the left-hand quadrant .
27 Both conceptions are contained in the political rhetoric of the Royal College of General Practitioners and attempts at being both produce practical dilemmas for the doctors .
28 It is well established that there are voters whose preferences are influenced by the alphabetical sequence in which candidates ' surnames appear on the ballot paper .
29 Employers are attracted by the proven flexibility that stems from the Geography graduate 's breadth of education and ability to cope with a diversity of subject materials .
30 Reaction primers match sequences in the ubiquitous interspersed repetitive sequences , of which about a million copies are scattered throughout the human genome .
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