Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 This is particularly unlikely to happen if , as is often the case , guide-lines are constructed with reference to existing sentencing levels .
2 Endorphins are released in response to severely painful stimuli .
3 Thus direct mail , cash and carry , and ‘ pick your own ’ ( fruit , vegetables etc ) operations are increasing in response to consumer interest in this approach .
4 In the first place , we can not say that the coins recovered from a site , whether by excavation or otherwise , represent a cross-section of coins in use on that site , even though it is generally true that coins are dropped in proportion to the amount of times they are handled or passed from hand to hand .
5 The author seems more at home with that part of the study in which behavioural activities are interpreted by reference to models .
6 These forms are returned by mail to the Registration Officer for the Constituency .
7 The plots ( cumulative time per pixel ) are normalized such that all pixels are scaled in relation to the pixel with the maximum cumulative time ( the F+ pixel of group fixed ) ; the square dotted line represents the extent of the 121 pixel grid .
8 However subsequent research has shown that both negatives and passives are used in response to the presence of particular pragmatic factors .
9 Cash surpluses are delivered to carrier to Midland Cash Centres .
10 However , in cold cathode luminescence machines ( see below ) , many ions are produced in addition to the electrons .
11 After filling the casks are bunged before delivery to the pubs
12 The producers ' plans are evaluated in relation to the demand outlook for the industry and the existing pattern of market shares .
13 Similarly , where rules are incorporated by reference to some other document , there should be adequate reference to draw them to members ' attention .
14 The rules appear to assume that a higher level of disclosure should be made to private customers , but unless the common law rules are altered by reference to the entirety of the rules and the assumptions in them rather than to a specific rule , this result may not be achieved .
15 The Oxford Regional Health Authority is well served by community hospitals , where outpatient clinics are held in addition to those in general hospitals , so none of the participating practices was far from a provider unit .
16 However , despite this condition , some buyers may wish to insure after contracts are exchanged in order to be doubly certain about their investment , but this is a practice that should now no longer be strictly necessary .
17 ‘ As a biologist , my main interest has for some years been human genetics , the study of the way in which various characteristics are passed from parent to offspring .
18 The Great Hural is elected nationally and in turn elects the 50 members of the Little Hural where parties are represented in proportion to the election results .
19 The majority of labour-only subcontract gangs are limited in size to a maximum of six persons .
20 Again , the optic lobes are developed in proportion to the size of the eyes and the antennal lobes related to the development of the antennae and the senses mediated by them .
21 The knowledge that words are read from left to right , and from the top of the page to the bottom .
22 Thus popular or common names of subjects are included in preference to technical or specialist jargon .
23 These demographic variables are experienced in addition to high levels of physical dependence , frailty and mental health problems .
24 However , the fact remains that demands are made on sociology to ‘ pay its way ’ , to produce practical returns which can be utilised for policy purposes .
25 Regular Army units were despatched from Turkmenia to help restore order .
26 Concentrations were derived by reference to a standard curve ( Behring Diagnostics ) .
27 Education , moreover , was tending to reduce those differences that still remained ; the proportion of children receiving their education through Russian was steadily increasing , and Russian-speaking Tatars were found in turn to be more favourably disposed towards internationality contact in their home and workplace .
28 In 1930 , all four cars were sent in turn to Hendon , where in addition to being brought into line with No. 32 , they were rebuilt similar to the six ‘ M Type ’ cars ( which see ) .
29 In part , these relationships were secured by appeal to the historical method .
30 TWO lorry drivers were stung from head to foot by thousands of angry bees yesterday .
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